33| Its None Of Your Business!

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Bradley rolled her eyes at the mean mug Posh was sporting once she opened the door. "If you came to demote me bitch, you should've sent a text," Posh muttered out.

Bradley pushes Posh aside and barged into her apartment. "Get out of your feelings, just because I actually had to be a real boss doesn't call for your nasty attitude,"

"Fuck you Brad," Posh locked the door behind her.

"Fuck you too Posh," Bradley spat back as she took a seat on the couch.

Posh stood before Bradley with her hands on her hip and a smug look on her face. "What are you doing here ?"

Bradley scoffed. "I saw your subliminal post," Posh looked away with a shrugged.

"I said Usiah and Georgia come over, not you," Posh clarified.

Bradley laughed. "Well I'm here bitch," Bradley stood up and walked to Posh's kitchen. "Awe, you cooked," Bradley lifted the the lids of the pots that were on the stove.

"Yeah, not for you," Posh murmured.

"You made my favorite sis, you made it specifically for me," Bradley teased.

Posh rolled her eyes. "I don't like you at all,"

"You love me, you just don't like when I'm mean to you. Your best friend privileges are voided when it comes to my business," Bradley asserted as she reached up in the cupboard to grab a plate for her to eat.

Posh said nothing to rebut Bradley because she was completely correct. Posh realized that she had been acting a little bratty lately and been taking advantage of her close knit friendship with Bradley. Bradley putting her out the other day humbled her, but with her hormones all she could do was cry once she got in her car. She felt bad for Cinney and she hated that she somewhat disappointed her best friend and boss.

"I'm sorry," Posh folded her arms against her chest.

Bradley chuckled. For Posh to apologize was definitely unbelievable, the girl had so much damn pride. "A bitch just been real sensitive lately. This isn't like me at all. I feel like you," Posh further explained. Bradley was considered the cry baby out of everyone, she cried for everything, inconveniences, when she was frustrated, when she was mad—whatever the case may be. Posh on the other hand, somebody had to die for her to cry, even then she tried not to.

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