24| Evolving

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Bradley had Usiah, Posh, and Georgia over for the day. The three were dying to know how things went with Israel's family. As of lately, Bradley was beginning to feel both smothered and stretched thin. She was constantly having to keep Rashad pleased, all the while keeping Sincere, Sway, and Drake pleased by keeping in contact.

Bradley wasn't keeping the act that she reconciled with the guys a secret. Rashad had noticed that her phone had been going off a lot more than usual. He asked about it once and when he got the response along the lines of "Just some friends I caught up with," He let the concern go. At the moment, Bradley's phone going off back to back didn't raise any red flags to Rashad. Bradley was with him all hours of the day, she left her phone laying around—sometimes unlocked, and she wasn't acting any type of way.

Rashad was very clear on signs of cheating since he had to deal with it from Rayven before. Bradley showed no signs of any foul play so Rashad was just going with the flow.

"Brad you're wrong," Georgia shook her head once she got the run down of everything that happened with Bradley's and Rashad's argument.

Bradley gasp finding it unbelievable that Georgia sided with Rashad. "How am I wrong for feeling like I shouldn't have to check with my man to see if I can go somewhere. Baby I am 25 years old, I've been out of diapers for a mighty long time, I don't need a father,"

Georgia nodded. "I get that, but you going after he expressed to you he didn't want you to is wrong,"

Usiah took a sip of his wine before he attempted to make sense of the situation. "Friend, you fucked up for going and he fucked up for trying to make you not go," Usiah clarified. "At the end of the day, you're more wrong than him since you're still lying to that man," It had been two days since Bradley went to go visit Israel's family.

These two days have honestly been the hardest of her life. She had been battling guilt and it wasn't looking two good for her. Part of her just wanted to blurt out that she went against his wishes and went anyway, but the other part of her was scared shitless. She wasn't afraid by how he would react, she was more so afraid of how they would ever return from the situation.

"How come its always a Bradley hate train when it comes to Rashad?" Bradley furrowed her brows questioning her friends.

Posh set her wine glass down and screwed her face up. "How come its always Bradley playing victim when it comes to Rashad," Posh corrected her.

"Oh bitch—fuck you," Bradley stuck her the middle finger.

Posh shrugged. "I'm just calling it how I see it. I can't be your friend if I can't put you up on game about yourself Pooh," Posh reaches up and petd Bradley's head as if she were some child.

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