50| Salvation

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Bradley nervously locked her phone after sending a message to her biological father. She had found him after days and days of scavenging through Google and social media. The anxiety that surfaced her caused her chest to tighten and her mouth grow dry.

After much convincing from Mimi and Rashad, Bradley finally mustered up the courage to reach out. It took a few days, and now that Mimi had gone back to Houston, Bradley was left to update her via phone call on whether or not A'mahd responded.

Bradley felt a little ill about the situation. After seeing the gorgeous family portraits of A'mahd and his family of five, Bradley felt like she would drive a wedge between them all. She was a grown woman coming out of the woodworks claiming that he was her father. She was sure the family would think Bradley had motives. A'mahd was well established and a wealthy franchise owner. His business served him and his lifestyle well. This was one of the reasons why Bradley was so skeptical. She didn't want him thinking that she wanted something out of him. Bradley was well established herself. She couldn't help but to feel offended if A'mahd even entertained the thought of her trying to leach off of him. She would be sure to cut off all ties if he thought so.

"Everything will be fine," Rashad kisses her shoulder before resuming to kneading the pads of his tender thumbs into the lower portion of her back.

Bradley sighed. That was nice to hear, especially since she was having a complete internal breakdown about it. Her mind was racing with different thoughts and scenarios, which none consisted of the family accepting her with open arms. He had kids, four of them. They were going to feel some type of way and Bradley couldn't blame them, she was ruining their family dynamic.

"Hopefully. I just hope he doesn't get the wrong idea. His lifestyle and money doesn't excite me, I have my own," Bradley shrugged, thinking out loud.

Rashad halted the act of giving her paining lower back a massage. He wrapped his arms around her, along her to lay back into his chest. "Don't think like that, you'll only manifest things," He spoke soothingly to her in hopes that would ease her nerves. "He's your father, and if he doesn't believe that you guys can be adults and set something up. Only a childish man would think about his assets when an issue like a long lost child presents itself," Rashad personally, Rashad wouldn't correlate anything of that sort to his money and wealth. He would be so worried trying to figure out when he conceived this child to even think about any motives.

"Unfortunately babe, not every man is like you," Bradley pointed out to him.

Rashad nodded. "You're right, but I'm confident that it won't go down how you think it will. From the looks of it, he seems like a pretty wholesome guy,"

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