73| Make Your Choice

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Stressfully, Bradley raked her fingers through her hair. She had just ended her phone call with what used to be her wedding planner. Postponing their plans felt like punch in the gut, however Bradley knew that it had to be done. She and Rashad wouldn't have much of a successful wedding if they tried to rush the recovery of their relationship all the whole planning for their wedding. At the moment, Bradley wanted to kick and scream just like Jace and Blake would when they didn't get their way, but she refrained from doing so.

A defeated breath streamed out of her as she shook her head. She had been trying to avoid making the call since the entire incident blew up. Fittings and decisions needed to be made soon so she no longer had the time to procrastinate about whether or not she and Rashad really had to call a halt on everything.

As she stood in the kitchen, she glanced out the window catching sight of Rashad and the twins. He had seamlessly incorporated them in his morning workout. While the twins took their father's workout as full entertainment, Rashad figured he could kill two birds with one stone by keeping an eye on Blake and Jace while catching his workout all in one. 

She watched as Rashad got caught up in the twins infectious laughter as they both tried to mimic him doing push ups. Bradley couldn't even lie, she was growing a bit envious by how unbothered Rashad could seen throughout his entire process. It was almost like he completely detached himself from everything, leaving Bradley to feel every emotion there is to feel.

Bradley folded her arms across her chest as she continued to eye Rashad. It fascinated Bradley how Rashad could just love life like nothing was going on between them two.

With today being Rashad's last day home before he had to fly off to LA for business, Bradley figured that she should probably inform him in her canceling the last bit of things for their wedding. Mustering the courage to speak to him, she retracted the gliding door so she could enter the back yard.

As she mad her way towards Rashad and the twins, she casted their attention. A smile plastered on her face, for the sake of Blake and Jace. Rashad finished his set of push-ups before standing up.

"You're alright?" He raised a brow as he grabbed his water bottle.

Bradley nodded her head as she grabbed a seat on one of the near by chairs. She watched as he downed some water. His golden skin glistened with a layer of sweat causing the ink that cluttered his body to stand out even more. She allowed him to collect himself from the workout before he grabbed a seat beside her.

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