76| Wrong or Right

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Rashad stood behind Bradley as she used her key card so they could gain entrance into the suite. Once they were inside, Rashad let out a light sigh which caused Bradley to look over her shoulder at him. "You tired?" She asked, completely understanding if he was since he hopped off of a late flight and went straight to supporting her at the panel event getting no rest in between.

"A little bit," He responded to her. "I'm about to go wash up so we can go out with everybody," He advised grabbing his suitcase with his left hand so he could stroll it to the bathroom with him.

Bradley blocked his path as she stepped closer towards him with a smirk dancing along her face. Still in her heels, she was now able to reach up and wrap her arms loosely around his neck without sprouting on her tippy toes. "Too tired for me?" She questioned in a tempting voice before leaning in to set a light kiss onto his lips.

Rashad kept his bloody hand nestled into the pocket of his jacket, refraining from wrapping it around Bradley's waist like he wanted to. "Not right now baby," He shook his head no, politely declining her offer for them to have sex. "I'll get you right later though. I promise," He kissed her lips.

Bradley face screwed up as her brows bumped together in confusion. It was very rare for Rashad to turn her down, especially when they were on great terms. Dropping her arms to her sides, she continued to eye him questioningly. "What's the matter with you?" She tilted her head to the side.

Rashad let out another sigh, this one deeper and much heavier than the one he let out prior. "Nothing's wrong with me Brad. I just said not right now," He shrugged his broad shoulders.

Bradley took a step back from him, which allowed him to move past her so he could head towards the bathroom. Bradley was still unconvinced by his response so she followed. "Rashad you're not fine," Bradley protested. "Did this situation with Kimora and Sincere resurface some things for you. I'm open to talk about it if you are," Bradley tried her hand at guessing what could have possibly triggered the switch to flip within Rashad. They were on good terms, however she figured after airing a few things out during the panel event, Rashad started reanalyzing the situation.

Rashad turned around to face her, a light chuckle eased out of him. "Brad, baby, I'm good," He sounded more assertive and less dismissive with this response.

"Are we good though?" Bradley countered with another question.

Rashad smiled at her as he peered into her oak brown eyes. "We're amazing," He replied before craning down for a kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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