38| Revitalizing

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Bradley's eyes fluttered open alarmed at the invasive touch she had just felt. A shudder ran through her spine as a cold palm made contact with her thigh. Slowly, lifting the sheet that was draped over her body, Bradley grew relieved at the sight of Rashad's head in between her legs.

She let out a sigh, before it averted into an amused chuckle. "You really shouldn't scare me like that, especially in your shape," Bradley warned as she felt him apply a kiss onto her core.

"Really?" His tone sounded sarcastic almost as if her warning was empty and meant nothing. "I like waking you up like this," He planted another kiss onto her second set of lips.

"You don't like waking up like this?" He questioned.

Before Bradley couldn't get a word out, Rashad's tongue had reintroduced itself to Bradley's inside just like it had done last night. Bradley's witty remark had gotten stuck into a ball in her throat as she let out a stringed out moan instead. "I'll take that as a yes," Rashad chuckled arrogantly at Bradley's heavy breathing and lack of ability to contain herself.

The top of the morning, the two shared another passion filled, love making session where Bradley came all over Rashad's mouth, fingers, and the best of all—his dick. Being a useful source of future wants and dreams, Rashad made sure to release himself into Bradley. There was no need for protected sex, or pulling out and Rashad didn't mind one bit.

Afterwards, they cleaned themselves up and stripped their bed from the covers. Things got a little too hectic this morning. "Can we talk about it?" Rashad was trying his hardest not to cave into his laughter.

Bradley glared at him. "No," She let out briefly and curtly.

Rashad cackled which he quickly covered up with a scoff once Bradley gave him a viscous side eye. "Why not? I find it sexy," He shrugged his shoulders.

Bradley shook her head no. "It's weird. That has never happened to me before," She murmured filled in embarrassment.

Rashad let out a breath. "Bradley, you're a squirter—so what? Yeah it may have caught us both off guard and I thought you peed on me, but when I realized it wasn't pee, I found that shit sexy," He shrugged it off acting as if it were nothing.

Bradley gasped before tossing a pillow at him which he dodged with his left arm. "That was embarrassing,"She whined.

"For what? It's life Brad," Rashad said to her in a teasing manner.

"It never happened to me before," She continued to whine about it like an infantile child.

Rashad chuckled before making his way around the bed with his crutches. Closer to her, he took a seat along the left edge of their king sized bed. He called her over with his hand, resulting in her standing in between his legs. "It only never happened to you before because I probably wasn't really hitting the spot prior to this morning," Rashad laughed causing her to look down at him with a stale face.

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