60| Getting Back

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Excuse any errors. I'm sleepy.



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Bradley kept her word as bond and was really making Rashad work to get her back. She realized that sometimes things got a bit carried away within their relationship, especially when it came to reconciling after an argument. Bradley didn't mind having things be easy for them, but after the last altercation she and Rashad had, she realize that Rashad truly did get beside himself.

It never registered how dismissive he was to her and her opinion until then. She was always caught up in the rapture of never getting him too mad so he wouldn't leave or call things off.

As much as she didn't want to relate anything from her and Israel's relationship to the one she was in with Rashad, she couldn't help but to have that fear and deeply pitted regret of pushing Israel away. Yeah, he was always wrong, but Bradley definitely still believed that if he was there with her instead of roaming the streets, he wouldn't have been killed.

Bradley realized a lot of demise came to her life whenever she wasn't on the best terms with a person, or she had completely distanced herself from them, which is why she clung onto Rashad so hard. The easier she made things for him, the less he would have the desire to leave.

Bradley wasn't thinking all of this to allude that Rashad wasn't a wonderful man. She gave credit when due, and Rashad got it all. He was a great man that made her feel loved, secured, and wanted. Whenever she's with Rashad, Bradley felt as though she could live without worry. However things were piling up and she was realizing that he did certain things that she didn't like and necessarily didn't to agree with, yet she never stuck her ground.

As Bradley misted her face with setting spray while she finalized her look for the day. She was able to conceal the little bags underneath her eyes from staying up alongside Rashad to deal with their two grumpy babies.

"Finally leaving the house?" Rashad chuckled as he stood behind Bradley while she finished getting ready.

Bradley simply nodded her head before running a brush through her hair. "Where you going?" Rashad asked.

"Brunch," Bradley answered blankly. "Posh, Logan, and a few other friends," To make her scheduled brunch date a little less awkward, Bradley recruited Posh, so she could also deal with Sincere, Sway, and Drake. She had agreed to the outing a few days ago and quite honestly she no longer wanted to go simply because she knew there would be the unspoken anger from Sincere. Yeah he wouldn't try to exploit it completely, but she would notice it was still there.

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