5| Untamed

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Bradley sighed as she assisted Rashad out of his jacket. Their little date turned into too much a turn up when Rashad thought it would've fun to go to the club right after dinner.

Bradley didn't mind the club scene, but she could do without. Rashad seemed to love the thrill going out gave him. He danced and sung along to all of the songs and filled himself up with liquor. Bradley knew that Rashad was a let loose type of guy, but tonight he had a little bit too much fun.

"My bad,"He apologized. "I ain't mean to go in like that," He knew he had fucked up with all of the drinking. He was conscious, but wasn't as alert as usual which resulted in Bradley keeping him at her place.

She didn't want to start the trend of sleeping at each other's place so early, but he couldn't drive home in his condition, she wouldn't dare allow him to do so. "It's okay Rashad, you've had a long week," After opening up about Cedonni, Rashad was faced with the anniversary of his brother's death two days later—which happened to be Victoria's graduation day.

Bradley gave him his space that day so he could spend endless time focusing on his niece and getting their mind together. The day went well, but it was evident that it was still bothering him. All throughout their dinner date, Bradley listened attentively, to short stories about Cedonni. Some made her laugh, some saddened her, and some made her wish she had a chance to meet him.

Rashad never really spoke about Cedonni much, but with Cedonni's death anniversary passing, his brother was weighing down on his mind heavily. "Thank you—for just listening," He slurred. "I needed someone to just listen,"

Bradley nodded her head as she got him down to his wife beater. "You're welcome babe,"

A drunken smile invaded Rashad's face. This was the first time Bradley had called him anything besides Uncle Shad and Rashad. The sound of the term of endearment sounded so good coming from her. Even though he was drunk, he was sure to remember the moment. "Say that again,"  He licked his lips.

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