37| And Many More...

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"Happy one year anniversary mama's baby," Bradley attacked Rashad's face with kisses. They were officially one year in the making, yet it seemed longer. Being with each other felt like they've known one another all of their lives.

Rashad laughed at the excessive amount of kisses she was applying into his face. He took a hold of her chin and leaned in for a kiss on the lips. "Happy anniversary my chocolate drop,"He chuckled against her lips.

Bradley laughed at the use of her nickname she had given herself. Just a few weeks ago, she had changed her contact name on his phone from Welcome to Allure girl, to Chocolate Drop. She felt as if it suited her better.

"Let's exchange gifts, I know you have me beat since I'm bad with gifts," She smiled with a shrug.

Rashad was a pretty good gift giver and he was pretty competitive so he was sure he would have the best gift. It was hell to even get his gift together due to his injuries. Slipping out of Bradley's sight was the hardest thing ever, but he got his mother to take Bradley and the rest of the ladies out for a nice lunch and shopping date which gave him enough time to get things together.

"Whatever you got me, I'll love," Rashad assured.

Bradley nodded as she got up from the bed. "I got you three gifts, we'll start with the most basic," She told him as she exited their bedroom and headed for the guest room.

"You hid the gifts like it was Christmas?!" Rashad called out to her.

Bradley laughed as she made her return. "Yes because you like to snoop,"

Rashad shook his head as she placed the first gift bag onto his lap. He lifted it up to assess how heavy it was. Pretty light. He thought. Rashad was killing Bradley with suspense causing her to groan out impatiently.

With a laugh, he finally got to opening the gift. Inside the gift bag was a hard cover book with a picture of them sharing a kiss at the bottom right corner. "12 Reasons Why I LOVE You," Rashad read the title that was printed on the book.

"Awe," He cooed out to her. Bradley's cheeks heated up as she convulsed into a smile.

"We've been together for 12 months so for every month, you gave me one more reason to fall in love," Bradley further explained the sentimental thought that went into her first gift.

Rashad gazed at her in amazement and fulfillment. He really thought he had her beat with the gifts, but she took the cake with this one, and this was only her first one. "Come here," He called her over.

Shyly, she shuffled over to him. He kissed her lips before thanking her. "Don't read it in front of me," Bradley quickly tried to grab the book away from him, but Rashad was faster than she was.

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