53| Stuntin' Like My Daddy

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"I should have fucking known," Duke sighed out with a shake of his head once he got into Rashad's truck. "Why can't you be normal and just hang with a nigga? You always wanna have me out here stalking people,"

Rashad chuckled. He was glad that Duke caught the notion once he saw him dressed in all black. It was closing in on 10 PM which was around the time A'mahd was landing from Canada. He shared the hotel name he would've staying at during his time in New Orleans and Rashad simply couldn't resist the urge of scoping him out himself. "This gone be quick, we'll meet up with Alex and Jerome after this, I swear," Rashad knew Duke was claiming his time since Posh finally caught a break from the shop and let him out. With her running the shop, Duke was left to be daddy most of the time since she couldn't have Logan around the harsh chemicals and the risk of the salon. Duke's day to day wasn't as dangerous to a four month old so Logan chilled with him until Posh closed up the shop and they switched.

"Yeah nigga, just make sure you get me home by 2 so I don't miss my feeding with my son," Duke muttered. It was clear that he enjoyed fatherhood much more than he thought he would. Logan was his pride and joy and he was always boasting how his little man looked just like him and nothing like Posh. Duke couldn't believer at one point, he actually didn't want to have his son. Now, that thought never crossed his mind. He was infatuated with his child.

Rashad laughed. "Y'know a year ago, you use to be the one dragging me out the house?" He attempted to remind Rashad.

Duke waved him off. "I got a family now,"

Rashad smiled satisfied with the turn out of Duke's life. "Proud of you De'Mar,"

Duke couldn't contain the smile that graced his face. "Alright light-skin, don't start that sensitive shit,"

Rashad exalted our a laugh due to how much he sounded like Posh. "You act just like Posh now, shit is sick," He shook his head shaming his friend.

Duke couldn't help but to laugh finding Rashad right. A year with her, and she had become all he knew. It was pretty obvious that they were in a full blown stable relationship. They pretty much sealed the deal to everyone when they moved in together. Things were going a lot smoother than they were while Posh was pregnant, they actually loved each other. Duke openly told Posh he loved her, Posh on the other hand scurried out of bed, into the bathroom and locked herself in it just to shout, "I love you too nigga!"

As weird as her actions were, Duke didn't mind. This was how Posh operated. Her biggest fear was rejection and being embarrassed which is why she never tried to reveal too much feelings. Duke understood and was being patient with her. Just a few days ago, he finally got Posh to tell him she loved him without referring to him as nigga. Now he was working on getting her to actually say it while looking at him, face to face. Posh definitely wasn't like any woman he's dealt with before, but that was the beauty of it all. Everything felt new and fresh with her. Nothing was a repeat, aside from her constantly threatening to whoop his ass whenever he did something that was dumb.

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