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The remainder of the trip to Greece was filled with pure bliss. The excitement of their engagement just topped everything off and made it better. After two days of being engaged, the videographer Rashad hired got back to him with the finished edits of the moment. Bradley being dramatic wanted to screen it for all her friends and Rashad's family to see.

"You really bought a projector?" Rashad chuckled with a shake of his head as he watched Bradley set the projector up so she could hook her phone up to it. She had Rashad hang up the big white screen the projector came with so the video could be projected clearly.

Bradley nodded her head excitedly. "This is something big, we're in engaged!" She beamed before her eyes averted from him and into her ring.

Rashad shook his head. This has been Bradley's attitude since getting engaged. She always had her eyes on her ring and was always drawing attention to it. It was the cutest thing ever.  "I understand baby—"

"Uh uh," Bradley waved her hand which happened to be the one with the ring, in his face halting him. "I don't go by baby any more. You know what to address me as,"

Rashad let out a sigh. He was amused nonetheless, but he liked giving Bradley a hard time. "My bad," He apologized before correcting himself. "I understand fiancée, but you don't think you're doing a tad bit much?"Rashad looked around at the spread of food she out and how she set up chairs in the backyard just to watch a five minute video that she had watched over thirty times herself.

Bradley scoped her eyes around as well. "Honestly, I don't think I'm doing enough," She shook her head no. "We should of rented out a movie theater for this,"

Rashad couldn't help but to laugh at her antics. "Alright fiancée, do as you please," He waved her off.

The door went off indicating that some of their guest had made it. Bradley had strict orders of everyone not being late so Rashad was sure that they would all arrive at the same time. Rashad went ahead to go retrieve the door and was met with his mother, Victoria, his father, and Nana. Brandon was playing nice for Bradley's sake so he greeted Rashad and congratulated him as did everyone else.

"Now where's my daughter in law?"Paige looked around in hopes of seeing Bradley.

Rashad shook his head. The way her voice peaked in excitement at the mention of Bradley had him feeling played. "She in the backyard doing God knows what now. She's been on 10 since we got back from Greece," He shook his head with a chuckle.

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