20| Ratchet Happy Birthday

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"I feel like a little ass kid sneaking out like this," Rashad chuckled after Bradley silently shut the door behind them.

Bradley took a hold of his hand. "If we didn't leave like this, it would be a line of our friends behind us," As much alone time the two spent together in their room, they wanted more. It was 11:40 PM and the villa was still bustling with energy. No one planned on going to sleep yet since they wanted to enter Rashad's birthday all together. They all gathered in the front room passing drinks around and laughing. Too distracted, they didn't even noticed that Rashad and Bradley had slipped under the radar.

Bradley and Rashad had plans to walk to the beach that was near by and welcome Rashad's birthday there, just the both of them.

"Especially Georgia ass, she just wanna go everywhere," Rashad chuckled.

The two took in each other's presence as they endured the five minute trek to the beach. The sky was different hues of black and was illuminated by the lustrous moon. A cool breeze swept by them every so often keeping the atmosphere calm and peaceful. The two slowly began to feel their selves sink into the tiny mountains and hills of sand that plotted through the shore of the beach. This not only slowed them down but made them appreciate their surroundings a bit more.

Not to far from the water, they could hear the waves crashing against the shore in a calming tempo. The sound enlaced them in a tranquil state, alleviating them from stress, worries, and pain.

"Thanks for coming up with this idea," Rashad thanked Bradley before craning down to kiss her forehead.

Content with the affection, Bradley sighed. "You're welcome babe,"

"Y'know, I don't really like my birthday like that, but with you—it feels better," He confessed. For the past week all Rashad has been doing was prepping himself to throw on this facade for his birthday. He wanted to be the happiest Rashad he could possibly be this year just because he was celebrating with way more people. Rashad would hate if he wasted not only everyone's time, but their money as well, to be out in Indonesia just for him to fall sad the day of.

"I feel like you deserve this day. You spend so much of your year being generous and kind to other's," Bradley praises him with a bright smile.

Rashad made a little silly face causing Bradley to laugh. "How you know what I did this entire year? You've only known me for half of it," Rashad smirked down at her.

Now six months in the making, it shocked them that it's already been half a year. Time definitely went by fast when you're enjoying yourself.

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