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Rashad boarded the plane, running on one hour of sleep. Last night's job had sucked the life out of him. Since this hit was one that was supposed to be executed a long time ago, but failed, Rashad couldn't help but to think about the life he and Duke mistakenly took last time. It seemed like they were only making matters worse for themselves subconsciously now that they had returned and offed the person who initially needed to be gone. Now that family had to mourn two different people.

It was sad, but like always, Rashad watered all his emotions and thought down to, just business.

The two hour flight Rashad endured was mostly spent sleeping. He was groggy and barely awake when he met up with Bradley.

Although Bradley had way more sleep than Rashad had, she wasn't comfortable in Houston without Rashad. She barely slept since she spent majority of her night tossing and turning.

Pulling each other into a much needed embrace, they both let out relieved sighs. Being away from each other for two whole days definitely took a toll on them, but the small time away from one another was definitely needed. They knew it was unhealthy to be with each other constantly like they were, but they couldn't help it. Those two days were definitely hard, but at least they survived.

"You look like shit," Bradley screwed her face up as she looked up at him.

With his eyes half closed, Rashad nodded. "You look like trash," He retaliated before they both let out dragged out and airless laughs.

Too tired, Rashad didn't even care to check out the scenery that was bypassing him as Bradley headed to the hotel. As much places Rashad had lived in as a child, he and his family never lived in Texas. He knew once he caught up on some sleep, he'll be ready to sight see.

Bradley on the other hand was slightly bummed that she was stuck driving while Rashad was knocked out in the passenger seat. Rashad had convinced her to go pick up the rental car he paid for while they were in Houston. One thing Rashad could never do is be comfortable in an Uber. There were a lot of crazies out there and he was not having it when Bradley told him that she was maneuvering around Houston in Uber's.

Getting to the hotel, Rashad carried his bag as Bradley led the way. He was slightly dozing off in the elevator but Bradley preventing him of doing so by placing her cold hands on his neck. That woke him right up, momentarily.

Once they got into the room, Rashad slipped out of his Nike's and his hoodie, before going straight to the bed. Bradley let out a chuckle before she too slipped from her shirt and leggings before going straight to the bed as well.

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