6| Unity

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The shop was in full swing, busier than any other day. Bradley had hired a new nail tech and the new service had women from all over coming in.

Erica, the nail tech was great at what she did which is why Bradley had to have her in her shop. With Georgia doing lashes, brows, and facials, women could finally get all of their needs satisfied at Allure.

"Bradley ass been grumpy all day," Usiah mugged her as she did the same.

He was right. Her mood was off due to the last conversation she had with Rashad. After the phone call he made sure to text her the next morning telling her, he hoped that she had a good day. Still offended by what he did last night she didn't respond and simply read it.

She was aware of how petty and infantile she was acting, but she was truly upset. "Okay and?"

"Oop, y'all better leave my Brad-Bae alone," Posh budded in.

Usiah bucked at Bradley. "Ain't nobody scared of yo' crappy ass attitude. You can get beat the fuck up," He warned. Bradley and the ladies all knew he was playing just to get Bradley to loosen up.

It worked in his favor because Bradley cracked her first smile of the day. "You get on my nerves," She laughed.

Usiah laughed. "I need to because you been on 10 all day,"

"I'm sorry," She apologized. She didn't notice that the others realized that she wasn't in the mood. She simply remained quite and barely conversed with her clients. It was all in her face though. Bradley usually had an inviting smile plastered on her face constantly, but today it was an unapproachable scowl.

"Who upset you Bradley?" Astel asked with a light laugh. Since Usiah had made his come back, he's not only shifted the shop's atmosphere but he's also included Astel to a few more things. Bradley was surprised to even see that Posh and Astel hadn't went at it in what seemed like weeks.

Bradley rolled her eyes. "Y'all know who," She muttered knowing she didn't need no other explanation besides that.

All the ladies and Usiah gasped, excluding Erica who had absolutely no idea who Bradley was talking about.

"Nope, I don't believe it. Uncle Shad could never," Rome shook her head remaining in denial.

"Exactly," Cinney agreed. "He's heaven sent, bitch you had to do something,"

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