22| Get It Under Control

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Rashad tip toed through Bradley's condo trying his best to go unheard. He had kicked off his black Timbs since the door so the pitter patter of his footsteps weren't too disturbing.

The condo was drowned in darkness. It was going on 3 AM and Bradley should be sound asleep. Instead, she was sitting up in bed worried. She had been calling Rashad all night, but couldn't get in touch. His phone rang so she knew it wasn't dead, he was just blatantly ignoring her. The two were on good terms so she wasn't upset or anything, she was just worried about his safety.

Rashad tried his best to open up Bradley's bedroom door as silently as possible, but by how slow he was trying to open it up, it caused it to creak a little. This alerted Bradley, she proceeded to flicker on the lamp on her nightstand.

Once Rashad saw the light that illuminated the bedroom, he let out a defeated sigh knowing he was caught red handed.

Bradley awaited for him to enter the bedroom, but he seemed to be prolonging it. "I'm not mad," She disclaimed loud enough for him to hear.

Rashad's tense shoulders relaxed in relief once she confirmed that she wasn't upset. He opened the door wide enough for him to enter. Stepping into the bedroom, he was front and center in her range of vision.

Bradley eyed him up and down. His attire was drenched in black, all the way down to the socks. His hoodie was slightly unzipped, revealing the black crewneck he wore underneath it. "What's up with this?" Bradley raised a brow while she motioned to his attire.

Rashad tilted his head down so he could take a look at his attire as well. "Nothing, just how I'm feeling," He lied.

Bradley gazed at him a while longer before she reluctantly nodded her head. "I called,"She advised him.

Rashad bit down on his bottom lip. He noticed the abundance of calls Bradley made to his cell while he made his way over to her condo. "Yeah. I'm sorry about that,"

This conversation held a lot of tension and caused a thick aura of awkwardness to swirl the air. Neither was upset with one another, but Bradley could sense that Rashad was hiding something and Rashad could sense that Bradley was on to him. "Can I get an explanation before I get an apology?" She asked calmly.

Rashad ran a hand down his face. "I was out with Duke," As he said that, glimpses of what he and Duke committed a few minutes ago flashed through his head.

Again, Bradley nodded her head. Rashad could tell in her face that she wasn't sold on anything he was saying to her. "Come here," She called him over. She had now ridded the comforter from her body and she sat up with her legs tucked underneath her.

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