18| Is It Jealousy?

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Friendsgiving had quickly reverted back to Thanksgiving when Bradley and Rashad arrived his parent's home. After all the gift giving and a few more drinks, Bradley and Rashad kicked everyone out nicely and began cleaning up.

They managed to arrive at the Farewood home at about 5 PM. Victoria has informed her dad that the food was already finished and the family was set to sit at the table a little later.

Upon arriving, Rashad maneuvered his huge truck into the driveway before assisting Bradley out. The house was definitely more crowded then the last time Bradley visited which only meant that she was about to meet more family. "My dad's family made it down," Rashad chuckled once he noticed the nervous looked that sprawled over Bradley's face.

This Thanksgiving dinner would be a little different from all of the other years. The family had decided to watch one of Brandon's interviews on ESPN that was airing today. He had gotten recognized for being a notorious player, coach, and athlete father so they had an hour and a half long special running for him. The family thought it would be nice to share the moment watching it together.

Bradley nodded her head continuing to walk next to him with their hands laced together.

Jerome had made it back to New Orleans , from Cleveland, this time alone. Kimora decided to head to San Diego to spend the holiday with her family. She couldn't bare to be around Jerome longer than she needed too.

Applying his finger onto the doorbell, Rashad took a step back awaiting for someone to open the door. A few seconds later, Rashad and Bradley was met with a warm welcome from Paige.

Paige had went in to hug Bradley before Rashad which made him a little salty since he had his arms opened up for her already. "So its just all about Brad now?"

The women laughed before Paige went in to hug Rashad. "Rashad you're still my baby," She assured him while placing a kiss onto his cheek, that made him feel all better.

Paige let the two in and led them to the living room where it seemed like Rashad's entire family was seated. "Hey y'all," Rashad greeted. He honestly didn't feel like giving everyone their own individual greeting because they would all ask him the same thing, "How have you been holding up?"

That question held a lot of sadness in it and Rashad didn't feel like being sad. He wanted today to be full of positivity and happiness.

"Hey Shad," They all greeted him back aside from Brandon.

Rashad noticed that both sides of the family managed to come down. His mother's siblings brought their kids and partners and his father's side of the family had done the same. Bradley stepped closer to him now that all eyes were on her. In a reserved and timid manner, Bradley waved hello. "Everyone this is my girlfriend Bradley,"Rashad introduced with a confident smile.

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