69| Powerful Ego

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Bradley finished the final curl in her clients hair before using a wide tooth comb to loosen the spirals. She adjusted the now bouncy hair to her liking before stripping her client from the cape. "Well you're in a rush," Alta points out as she brushed passed Bradley so she could grab some hair clips so she could pin up her client's curls.

Bradley sighs. "Yeah I am. I have lunch at 3 and it takes me practically half an hour to get there," She told Alta as she accepted the cash from her client before thanking her for booking at Allure.

"Meeting that fine fiancé of yours," One of Allure's fresh stylist, Ricky asked with a smirk.

Bradley laughed as she grabbed her bag from the bottom shelf of her booth. "As much as I would love to see my fine fiancé right now, I can't because he has back to back meetings today," Bradley rolled her eyes. She would much prefer this lunch with Rashad, but since she was pulling a favor for Kimora, Sincere would do.

"He's fine and he has a job! You are so lucky!" Ricky exclaimed causing the fellow clients and stylist to all laugh at his dramatics.

"So if you ain't meeting Uncle Shad, who you having lunch with?" Usiah asked from the left of her. "It better not be Posh because she owes me some food for babysitting her bad ass son," Usiah muttered out. He and Logan had a love hate relationships. Logan had his mother's personality and could be a bit aggressive towards Usiah. It was funny, but everyone knew Logan was a sweetheart.

In laughter, Bradley shook her head, indicating that she wasn't heading to meet Posh either. "Not that it's any of your business—" She starts teasingly as she closed her Louis Vuitton tote and hung it from her shoulder.

"Oop," Usiah placed his hand on his chest acting as if he was taken aback.

"I'm joking," Bradley assured. "I'm having lunch with Sincere for Kim,"

"Ouu, tell his fine ass Usiah said hey," Usiah smirked before smiling cheekily.

"Aren't you married?" Astel asked in a sarcastic manner from the other side of the shop which caused some laughter to flow freely within the salon.

Usiah sucked his teeth. "We're going through a rough patch," He muttered out.

"We'll talk about it later," Bradley asserted. "I gotta get out of here. Please don't burn the place down," She jested as she made her way out, keys in hand.

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