39| Resurfaced Love & Pain

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Bradley stood behind Rashad as he rotated his right leg around, adjusting it to being out of the the boot. "This shit feel weird," He said over his shoulder at her.

Bradley smiled at how joyous he sounded. Hell—if it were her, she would be running all over the damn place. Rashad had complained enough about how crutches and the cast, which got upgraded to a boot within week three of healing, cramped his style. "You seem to be walking fine babe," Bradley told him.

"You think so?" Rashad felt like he looked like a damn fool. After seeing how much skinnier his right leg looked opposed to his left, his first thought was he needed to get back to the training facility and rehab it back to normal.

Bradley nodded her head. "It looks fine to me. A little skinny, but that's not a big deal," Bradley laughed while Rashad shot her a stale face.

"You're not even funny," He shook his head as he took the car keys out of her hand.

"Just because you're out of your cast doesn't mean I trust you driving again sir, hand me my keys," She held her hand out.

Rashad waved her off before continuing towards the car. He unlocked the doors using the poc, getting into the driver's side of Bradley's Audi. Since he was a staggering foot taller than her, he reclined the seat back as much as he could, he even had to readjust the height of the steering wheel. "Short ass," He mumbled as Bradley got into the passenger seat of her car.

"Excuse you, don't be coming into my car insulting me and my height," She sassed. "I'm quite tall for your information. Do you know how many men call me a fine ass stallion?"

"Enlighten me. How many?" He raised a brow.

Bradley who assumed that Rashad was taking her for a joke, pulled out her phone and headed straight to her Instagram app. From being off the app for two hours alone, had her phone flowing with a hundred and fifty notifications. She headed to her notifications tab on the app and began reading some comments referring to her height and how good she looked.

"You're so sexy and tall." She read out loud to Rashad.

Rashad side eyed her, since she knew how he felt about social media and men drooling over her. "I would love to tap your tall dark chocolate fine ass," This time Bradley couldn't help but to convulse into laughter.

"Even though you're a stallion, I'll let you ride me all night," Reading over the comment had Bradley in hysterics, tears could be slipping from her eyes any moment now. She had a plethora of comments to read out to Rashad, but that one seemed to catch her eye as the funniest.

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