59| Trust The Process

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Excuse my errors! I'm trying my best here lol 😂



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The twins had finally hit three months and they were growing like crazy. Currently, Bradley had them on their play mat, laying on their tummies as they made cute little baby noises to each other.

Bradley was actually grateful that she had her babies to keep her mind off of things that unfolded last night with Rashad. After their argument in the car, Bradley expected him to come inside and just give her some space, she was completely mistaken. Rashad simply just didn't return home. Bradley got the new flash that he ended up crashing at Mama Sonya's house from a phone call she got to her phone instructing her to come get her man. It pissed Bradley off that Rashad decided to run from his wrongdoings.

Bradley just found it extremely funny how whenever he was in a wrong, he got to take his time to admit that for one he was wrong, and two apologize for his wrong. However whenever she was wrong, she had to be upfront about anything.

Not only did it annoy her that Rashad slept out instead of coming home to deal with the mess that he fucking created, but it also pissed her off that now his grandmother knew that she and Rashad weren't in a good place at the moment. Bradley didn't necessarily want to come off as the perfect couple, but she did feel like this certain matter was detrimental to the relationship and future marriage which meant that their friends and family shouldn't be involved.

Rashad was a phenomenal guy, he just made some really dumb decisions sometimes.

Bradley snapped out of her thoughts when she noticed Blake reached over and locked her small hands within Jace's hair. "No no no," She gently unclenches Blake's hand from Jace's tresses. "That's not nice," She reprimanded her daughter as she picked her up and sat her up against her chest.

Bradley laughed at the little mean expression Blake had etched in her face due to having to sit up. She was not a fan of it all. "Lay, you can not have mommy's attitude," Bradley pinched her chubby cheeks, still in laughter at how expressive her daughter was. "Take after your dad, he has a great attitude when he's not being a moron," Bradley mumbled out the last part.

Once Jace noticed that Blake was no longer beside him and was getting more attention from their mother than he was, he lowered his head to the play mat and began to cry. "Clingy just like your daddy," Bradley shamed him playfully as she reached over and grabbed him so he could now be sitting right next to Blake.

Almost instantly, Blake reached over and began touching all over Jace'a face. He simply did nothing but sit there and let her do as she pleased. Bradley couldn't help but to laugh lightly and just shake her head.

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