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Bradley glanced over at Rashad who stood in the corner of the bathroom. Last night didn't go to well. After the whole birth control discussion, Rashad just shut down and decided it would be best to deal with things when he was in his right mind.

Now Bradley stood at the bathroom sink unboxing a pregnancy test. "So what if it's positive?" Bradley asked while eyeing him through the mirror.

"You're asking me that like I haven't been wanting you to have my baby since the first few months of our relationship," Rashad scoffed.

Bradley shrugged her shoulders. "By the way you reacted last night, it doesn't seem like it,"

"Can you blame me Bradley? You didn't care to talk to me about it at all. You getting off birth control should have been something we discussed," Rashad replies.

Looking at her through the mirror, Rashad could see her face screw up in agitation. "It's my body. I shouldn't have to talk to you about getting off birth control," Bradley honestly felt like Rashad was trying to back out of everything they had in place. Here she was, finally giving him what he wanted and getting smacked right in the face for it.

"Bradley, the plan was for us to move into the house, get comfortable, then have a baby. You just took it upon yourself to do your own thing without consulting me," All Rashad wanted was little more communication. He was thrilled with the fact that he and Bradley were finally on the same page when it came to having kids, but the way she was going by the situation was wrong. Rashad didn't need any surprises in his life. If she simply just told him that she was wrapping up her birth control to prepare her body for their future pregnancy, then he would have understood.

But Bradley still had him going in without any protection, while he was under the impression that she was still on birth control and they were still waiting to move into their house. "Well I don't like the fucking plan, I never did," Bradley admitted, her tone laced with vexation.

"Why'd you wait this long to tell me?" Rashad furrowed his brows.

Bradley shrugged her shoulders before retracing her attention back to the unused pregnancy test she had just taken it out of the box. "Because Rashad, you made me feel like I was crazy for wanting to have a baby all of a sudden. I didn't want to seem irrational and erratic," Bradley sheepishly mumbled out.

Rashad exalted out a sigh. "Bradley this is a partnership. If you don't like something, you have to tell me,"

Once again, Bradley let out a scoff. "What? So I could look selfish like I always do? I don't want you thinking the only reason I want to have a baby is to have you heal from what happened to Haiden," Bradley's true reasoning behind now wanting a baby, is due to how great fatherhood looked in Rashad. Seeing the way he held and looked at Haiden had her wanting to give him that feeling again, but she also wanted to feel that feeling herself.

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