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Bradley went through the doors of Southern with Posh and Georgia alongside of her. It was going on 12:30 in the afternoon and the ladies were in need of food ASAP. Allure was bustling with clients and the ladies were having a hard time trying to diffuse the frustration of Cinney's usual client's complaining about her absence.

Bradley didn't want to get in too much detail about Cinney no longer being with Allure so she just told Cinney's clients to contact her. They weren't pleased, but that was their only option.

"Do y'all like ever stay away from each other?" Posh playfully mugged at the sight of Rashad making his way over to the three with a smile.

Bradley laughed lightly. "This wasn't planned, I didn't know he was here," She told them as Rashad approached her. Georgia and Posh waved her off as Rashad pulled Bradley into a hug.

"Where's your truck? I didn't see it in the parking lot," Bradley looked up at him.

"I rode with Alex, chilling with him for the day," Initially, the day was supposed to consist of Alex, Rashad, and Jerome, but Jerome got held up in a few meetings and would be joining them later. Alex was trying to get Rashad and Jerome to bond again courtesy of his father's credit card since he had to offer to pay for everything just for them to agree and clear up their schedules.

Bradley nodded. Rashad averted his attention to Georgia and Posh, he greeted them both. "Why y'all over here, don't y'all have clients to tend to?" Rashad asked as he led them to the front of the line where he would get them taken cared of.

"We are dying of starvation, needed a break," Georgia responded with a roll of her eyes. She wasn't sure what was going on this time of the month, but every female and their mother needed their hair, nails, or some type of pampering done. Allure was hectic since opening. The stylist finally got things to calm down resorting to Posh, Brad, and Georgia to flee to Southern for food and peace of mind.

Rashad raised a brow at Georgia. "Ain't you vegan? You can't eat shit off this menu," Rashad poked fun at Georgia.

Georgia rolled her eyes at him before giving him the finger. "The salad, you dimwit,"

Eventually Rashad got the ladies all set up with their orders and insisted it was on the house.

Once they were all seated with their food, Alex and Rashad joined them at their table. "Damn Posh, slow down, the food ain't running from you," Alex teased with an obnoxious laugh.

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