70| Comes to the Light

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Bradley's eyes hawked over Rashad as he wheeled his suitcase out in front of him. Since their heated discussion, they hadn't spoken a word to each other. Neither knew what to say or do. As of right now, they both thought it would've best to keep it that way. Emotions were still up in the air so the last thing either needed was to say something unforgiving.

As Rashad made his way towards the door of their bedroom, he halted in his tracks. "New York wasn't supposed to be a solo trip, I already had your ticket booked," He informed Bradley.

She was aware. Alex wanted his entire family in attendance for his big night, however Bradley wasn't sure how she could stomach being the ideal couple at the moment when things were in shambles. Bradley cleared her throat in hopes of her voice not sounding cracked and broken since she had been crying for longer than she ever wanted to. "I don't think I can," She shakes her head.

Rashad's shoulders sulked downwards as he let out a sigh. "I think we can put our differences aside just for a night. I can make arrangements so we won't have to be in each other's space if needed,"

"I'm sorry but we can't fake what's not there," Bradley refused. "No one will even notice I'm not there,"

Rashad sighs. "They will. Let's just keep up the image for the night then you can fly back home,"

"We're not Kimora and Jerome. As much as you think it's a good idea, we both know that we won't be able to do it. We're genuine people who do genuine things. We won't be able to keep up an image," Bradley explained to him through a drained voice. She couldn't fault Rashad not wanting any speculations around them no longer being together, but they were going to have to face it sooner or later. She would much rather people to speculate rather than go to a high demand event and look forced.

"Bradley I'm not ready for the speculations or the questions. This shit came from left field, can you really blame me?" Rashad attempted to bargain with her. Although he was extremely upset, he hadn't reached the stage of acceptance yet. It still felt a bit surreal so he didn't want to deal with the media with their questions and conspiracy theories.

Bradley stressfully raked her fingers through her hair. "Okay," She agreed. "I'll meet you in New York I guess," She shrugs her shoulders.

Rashad nods. "Alright, see you in New York," He says to her before proceeded out of the door.

It felt odd saying goodbye to each other in this way. Usually their goodbyes would require Rashad prying Bradley off of him or an abundance amount of kisses and I love you's. Things were different now.

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