57| Could've Been

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Bradley rocked Blake as she cried, in one arm as she used her other to prop Jace up on the nursing pillow so he could get fed. Balancing two babies was the hardest shit Bradley had ever done. If she put Blake down to pick up Jace, she cried and if she put Jace down to pick up Blake, he cried. Unlike Rashad who had the arms span to hold both at the same time, Bradley simply couldn't. She was getting a bit frustrated but she kept her patience.

As she tried to put the bottle in Jace's mouth he stirred his head in the other direction indicating that he was in no good to eat. "J, if you're not hungry then what is it?" Bradley sighed in slight frustration as she set the bottle aside. Like clock work, Jace began crying, merging with the loud cries of Blake. Bradley was sure she had done everything. They had clean diapers, they were wide awake from their naps, and neither of them wanted food. She was truly running out of solutions to soothe them.

Taking a deep breath, Bradley set Blake down next to Jace on the nursing pillow. The continued to cry this time side by side to each other. Bradley simply just stared at them as their little mouths were agape exalting out screeching cries. She was truly stumped on what to do.

Feeling flustered from their crying and inability to comfort them, Bradley felt the urge to cry herself, but she held back her tears. "Something has to give," Bradley muttered out in defeat.

Bradley did it plan on just sitting there while they screeched for long. She was just trying to figure out what could possibly be wrong. Concluding on the fact that her kids were just spoiled rotten by their father, since Rashad never wanted to put them down, Bradley shrugged. Figuring that Rashad usually dealt with their tantrums pretty well, she decided to try one of his tactics that usually did the trick.

Rotating both twins on their sides so they could be facing each other, she patted their bottoms gently. Almost instantly Blake and Jace ended their crying as they grew fascinated with the sight of one another. "Oh so that's what takes to make you guys hush?" Bradley scoffed lightly.

A month old and it still seemed like the twins were fascinated with the fact that they looked somewhat alike. It was the funniest things ever when they stared at each other. Blake who was far more touchy than Jace was, always reached out and felt all over her brother's face. It was the most heart warming feeling to see Blake and Jace interact with each other.

"Okay Jace, meet the girl version of you, and Blake meet the boy version of you," Bradley cooed down at them. Jace who Bradley considered her smiley baby let a light smile pan out on his face at the sound of her voice. Squealing in excitement at the fact that Jace let out another smile which he didn't do often, however did more than Blake, Bradley clapped her hands like a small child.

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