30| Revisit and Rebuild

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It had been a long couple of days and Bradley finally felt well enough to let the issues with her family go and forget all about them. Her focus was back on herself and onto moving forward.

Rashad and Bradley equally had been busy with the whole process of moving in together. Currently they were at Rashad's apartment packing before they started the process of packing at Bradley's place. They were going to do a little at a time since Bradley had three more months left on her lease and Rashad only had a month left. For the time being until they found the perfect place for them both, Rashad would reside at Bradley's condo full time.

Bradley sat in the middle of Rashad's living room cautiously wrapping the multitude of trophies and plaques he's gotten over the years so she could put them in boxes. "You really had to excel at everything you did?" Bradley teased as she held up a trophy that was granted to him for wining a debate contest back in high school. Rashad did a few things outside of Basketball and just like he dominated the court, he dominated any other field of interest.

Rashad took a seat next to her with a chuckle. "Honestly, I was high as fuck that day and got on that podium and said anything that came to mind," He looked down at the trophy Bradley handed to him

Bradley shook her head, completely amused. It wasn't hard for her to imagine Rashad debating under the influence. Although he wasn't an argumentative type of guy, he definitely was convincing. "What was the argument?" Bradley asked.

Rashad shrugged. "I honestly don't remember," He admitted causing both him and Bradley to laugh.

He handed the trophy back off to Bradley where she finished wrapping it up then placed it in the box.

Rashad let out a grown before throwing his head back against his couch. "We've been doing this all day," He complained.

Bradley sighed before scooting over so she could straddle his lap. "We got to get it done," She reminded him.

Rashad ran a hand down his face. "I know," He says. "I'm just not ready to figure out what I want to do with Haiden's nursery,"

Bradley realized that throughout all of the packing she and Rashad had been doing, he had been avoiding the second room in his apartment. Bradley knew it was a hard pill to swallow, so she said nothing about it. She knew even though she had gotten rid of her room, she wouldn't be able to convince Rashad to do the same thing. He had to be prepared mentally and emotionally before anything.

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