67| Making The Effort

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Bradley let out a nervous breath as she and Rashad collected their seats at the table. For moral support, she asked him to come with since she didn't think she would make it without him. She had built up the courage to give the forgiveness process one more go around when it came to her sister. Family was complicated and Bradley realized that she didn't stick it out as long as she could've when it came to reconciling with Genovah.

The two ladies settled on brunch since Genovah was free around that time and Bradley found it a suiting time to introduce her to Blake and Jace. "You got this," Rashad assures her while resting his big hand onto her thigh.

Bradley cleared her throat. "I know," She relaxed her shoulders while glancing at Blake and Jace who we're looking around the restaurant full of curiosity.

Rashad leaned in kissing Bradley's lips. "She's your sister, this should be easy,"

Bradley curled her bottom lip into a frown. "I was a complete bitch the last time we spoke," She let out lowly, while recalling the hostile argument she and Genovah had gotten into.

Rashad chuckled with a slight nod. "Yeah you were. But you were also eight months pregnant with twins. I think she can let you slide on that one,"

Bradley rested her head onto his shoulders as he wrapped his arm around her. "Was I mean to you while I was pregnant?" Bradley asked despite it being not to long ago.

Rashad exhaled a heavy breath which caused Bradley to lift her head from his shoulders and side eye him. "I'm just playing," He laughed. "You had your moments though, but I wasn't tripping off of it. You carried two babies for me at once, the least I can do is let you boss me around throughout the pregnancy," He shrugged causing a smile to take over Bradley's face.

"See and thats why I gotta marry you," Bradley tells him while cupping her hand around his face. "I can't let no one else have that," She scoffed jokingly causing her and Rashad to share a laugh.

They had gotten to the restaurant a bit earlier than intended because their anxiety as parents of twins always had them feeling like they were running late. Neither Rashad or Bradley minded the wait since they both knew that Bradley needed some prep time. She liked to psych herself out in situations like these.

To start them off, they took the liberty of ordering some drinks. "You want me to order you six more?" Rashad teased Bradley since she was halfway through her mimosa.

Bradley rolled her eyes. "Oh you would love that wouldn't you,"

Rashad shrugged with a smirk etched on his face. "Drunk Brad is elite, top of the line," He licked his lips at her causing Bradley to wave him off dismissively.

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