64| Warm Welcome

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Bradley let out a groan as she rolled over in bed to keep from being face to face with the sun that was beaming into her bedroom. Bradley couldn't believe that she was hungover, the night wasn't even as crazy as it usually got whenever she, Usiah and the girls went out.

Patting the bed with her hand, Bradley searches for her phone. Finally retrieving it, Bradley clicked the lock button on the phone, attempting to open it up but to her despair, her phone was completely dead. "Rashad's gonna fuck me up," She grumbled out as she slowly eased up from bed. Once she was up, she searched for her charger before connecting her phone to it.

There was a nearby alarm clock in the nightstand which read her the time. "12:26!" Bradley eyes widened. "What the hell happen last night?"

"We was with the ballers, drug dealers, and the scammers last night sis," Rome cackled as she barged into Bradley bedroom with a Kool-Aid like smile.

Bradley tilted her head to the side in question before glancing down at her engagement ring that was still nestled on her finger. "Girl your monogamist ass didn't even glance at another nigga," Rome waved her off. "We wouldn't let you play yourself like that anyways,"

"Good," Bradley kissed her ring. "Is everyone else up?"

"Yeah, you looked like you needed the sleep so we let your ass have it," Rome informed her. "We're making breakfast downstairs, meet you down there," Rome told her her before skipping off.

Bradley chuckled while shaking her head at the thought of how off her ass she was at the moment. Luckily for her, she didn't have a killer headache so she could function pretty fine. Bradley spent a little under an hour to take a shower and get dressed for the day. Before joining everyone downstairs, Bradley returned the missed calls she got from Rashad earlier while she was asleep.

Upon Rashad answering the call, the cries of Jace weaves into Bradley's ears. Rashad had the phone propped up as he propped Jace up on his shoulder, pacing the floor in hopes of soothing Jace's crying. Bradley curled her bottom lip into a pout, sympathizing with Rashad, he looked stressed the hell out.

Rashad grabbed them phone, putting in Jace's face in hopes of calming him at the sight of Bradley. It worked for a moment, but Jace ultimately resorted to whining. "Where's Blake?" Bradley asked.

"Taking a nap," Rashad informed her. "He's sleepy but he's being hardheaded," Rashad glanced down at Jace who was now whining lowly in his arms.

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