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Bradley raised the volume on the television as it screened kiddy lullabies to distract the twins. Rashad was currently in the other room, holding a phone conversation that had him stressed out and screeching at whoever was at the receiving end.

Since coming home after Brandon dropped a wrecking ball in the center of his ownership of the facility, Rashad wasn't in the best mood. He wasn't taking it out on his family, however, he was completely focused on reclaiming full ownership of the facility.

Rashad had read the contract from beginning to end, then reread it again, repeating the cycle indefinitely. Bradley was beginning to lose count of how many times he's scanned his eyes over the contract.

Rashad was taking the loss pretty hard, especially since he hated losing to Brandon. He blamed himself for being so caught up in the excitement of gaining the facility that he didn't look over the small details of the contract before signing it.

When signing the contract, the terms stated that Rashad had rendered his partial ownership up to Brandon so he could own the facility fully while Rashad would just be left with the ownership of the land. Being the landlord definitely wasn't what Rashad envisioned, but at least Brandon didn't leave him with anything.

Letting out a sigh, Bradley glanced down to Blake and Jace. Luckily for her, she was able to distract them from Rashad's irate conversation with some cold teething toys.

"Listen, don't get in contact with me until you figure this shit out," Rashad gritted out to the person on the phone before ending the call.

Bradley winced, ultimately feeling bad for whoever was receiving such treatment from Rashad. His mean streak wasn't something that could be taken lightly and brushed off with a grain of salt.

Bradley decided to turn the volume of the lullabies downs since Rashad's phone call ended. A few moments later, Rashad entered the bedroom, a look of frustration panned all over his face.

"You alright?" Bradley looked up at him.

Rashad ran a hand down his face before nodding. "Yeah, I'm cool," He assures as he took a much-needed seat on the outer edge of the bed.

Bradley could tell that he was lying straight through his teeth. He was worried and on top of that he felt defeated. Rashad couldn't lie, he honestly did feel less like a man due to everything that was going on. He felt as though his job as a father and soon to be husband was to have everything secured so Bradley wouldn't have to worry about a thing. Losing the facility was going to take a huge lump sum of his finances away from him that he had grown comfortable to, which was a big mistake. Being simply the landlord wouldn't rake in the income he was making from being the sole owner.

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