36| In Due Time

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Wiping the sleep from her eyes, Bradley used her phone to check the time.

2 AM

She felt an urgency to wake up. The room plunged in darkness but the small streams of light illuminating from the curtains allowed her to see things slightly. Turning in bed, she realized instead of Rashad laying asleep, he sat at the edge of the bed unable to catch up with any sleep. "Babe," Bradley called out to him.

Rashad was shocked to see that he had awaken Bradley. He thought he was being pretty quiet. "Go back to sleep Brad, you're tired,"

Bradley sat up in bed. "You alright? You need anything?"

Rashad shook his head. "I'm good,"

His tone was pretty unconvincing. It was evident that he was in excruciating pain and was desperately trying to cope with it alone. This was his first night being back home and he already felt like a burden to Bradley. He watched her put him first in everything she did. She didn't eat without him eating first, she didn't drink without him drinking first, she didn't lay down without him being comfortable first, and she didn't fall asleep until he was about thirty minutes into his sleep to ensure that everything was okay.

Bradley was unaware of this, but Rashad knew that she was cutting into her sleep every hour or so to monitor him. Whether she gently placed her ear against his chest to hear if he was breathing funny, or simply fluff up the pillow underneath his leg again. He heard and felt it all and it made him feel bad. She was doing so much for him that she was beginning to cut her self short.

Rashad honestly couldn't recall the last time Bradley had a full eight hours of sleep. She was just so caught up with everything with him. Rashad couldn't see himself doing this to her for another couple of week. He had to grow some sort of independence with this injury. Bradley would only last so long.

"No you're not, tell me what it is," She urges it out of him. Bradley didn't understand why Rashad insisted on holding out on things. He should understand that she was doing this because she wanted to, not because she had to.

Rashad let out sigh, shaking his head. "I'm good B, go back to sleep, I'm about to go downstairs and get some water," Rashad rocked himself back and forth slightly, attempting to catch some balance to stand up on his one good leg and the other one in the cast. When he finally did stand, Bradley was already out of bed and at his side trying to help him maintain his balance.

"Shad, how about you lay down and I go get it for you," She suggested a much more reasonable solution.

"Baby it's okay, I'm capable," He remained persistent on going down stairs on his own.

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