15| Well- Do You Mean It?

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Rashad had finally come to terms that he would be at the facility a lot more than he usually would. It didn't really feel like work to him since he was doing what he loved.

And he also needed a distraction from Bradley. Although he was avoiding her, he still couldn't get his mind off of her. She literally took over his world. Whether it was something he seen, heard, smelled, touched, or tasted, everything reminded him of Bradley.

The two weren't on bad terms, Rashad was just embarrassed and a bit frazzled. Yesterday, that outburst he made was more unexpected to him than it was to her. It came out of nowhere and he knew that alone was enough to have Bradley act differently towards him. Rashad wanted to beat her to the punch so he just never showed up to her condo, didn't respond to her text, or answer her calls.

He just couldn't find it within himself to interact with her knowing that there was a possibility that she wasn't feeling him as much as she use to. Rashad honestly felt like he was gonna scare Bradley off.

Rashad let out a sigh as his phone vibrated with another text.

Welcome To Allure Girl
- Rashad you know I hate when people ignore me. Answer me or I'm gonna fuck you up when I see you. Simple.
Received 11:26 AM

Welcome To Allure Girl
- You're really testing me like I won't be able to do the same thing you're doing, but better. I'm not even gonna trip on you. Just come by and get your stuff that will be folded nicely by my door. It was nice while it lasted.
Received 11:27 AM

After reading the two text that came in right after another, Rashad let out a chuckle at her melodramatics. He knew Bradley wasn't the type of female that clocked his every move, but she was definitely a female who needed a fair warning or heads up of what was about to happen. Things would have been good if he just told her that he wouldn't be stopping by or answering his phone because he was busy or something. However Rashad just disappeared off the face of the earth without telling her anything.

It wasn't the fact that he never did end up coming over last night that pissed Bradley off, it was the fact that he went M.I.A, but still found it okay to post something on social media. Although the post wasn't alluding to anything wrong since it was just a video of him shooting around on the basketball court, it still pissed her off. He had the effort to post something but didn't have the effort to take ten second out of his day to shoot her back a text.

Rashad's hands hovered over the keyboard before he decided that he really had nothing to say to her. If he explained the real reason he wasn't in contact with her, he felt like he would sound like some coward or something.

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