58| Communicate It

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Excuse any errors. I'm tired 🥴



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Bradley took in a deep breath in hopes of calming herself. Today was harder than she wanted it to be. Blake and Jace were experience the after affects of their vaccines which resulted in mild fevers. Bradley was scared shitless to see how warm they were when she woke up this morning, but after calling their doctor and getting assured that it was normal, Bradley just worked through it.

It was definitely harder to balance them both since they were whining a lot more and craved far more attention than normal, so Bradley was definitely tired as hell.

Finally, she got the twins to sleep just a couple of minutes ago. The home was completely silent which allowed her to fall at peace. Taking in another deep breath, the aroma of the wax from the candle she had burning in the bathroom strides through her nose. Taking a seat on the covered toilet, Bradley sighed as she reached over and turned the dials of the shower so she could run herself a bath.

Exhausted and eager to feel the relaxation of the bath she ran herself, Bradley watched as the hot water fill up to her liking while the bubbles from the bath gel crowded the tub.

Due to not leaving the house all day, Bradley already had her hair tied up. She slipped right out of the lounging clothes she had on and submerged herself into the tub. The hot water immediately alleviated tension and aches within her body as she let out a sigh of relaxation. She needed this.

Bradley's emotions had been up and down like a seesaw being that she had so much time on her hands to just think about how her life had changed since becoming a mother. She didn't realize the limitations the twins put on her life until she was in desperate need of groceries for the home and she couldn't even get out of the drive way. She ultimately said to hell with grocery shopping after strapping the twins in the car as they cried from the top of their little lungs. Her plan was to kill two birds with one stone since the car ride could have soothed them, and she could go pick up her groceries, but the twins had other plans.

Pulling back into the driveway, Bradley felt a strong urge to just cry. She didn't understand it much so she decided against it. She didn't want to be crying for no reason.

All day, she's been trying to get in contact with Rashad and she never did. She wasn't trying to be dramatic about it or anything since she knew that he also had a lot on his plate with making sure everything was okay for both Alex's and Jerome's careers, but she was longing for his comfort. Bradley craved a long hug from him, but she knew she wouldn't be able to get that until he returned so she was just opting for a phone call, text, or FaceTime where he could just talk to her and make her feel normal again.

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