49| Choosing Me

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Excuse all of the typos! Y'all threatening me for this chapter. 😩


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Brad shuffled around the living room trying to figure out how to hook the cassette player to their high tech television only Rashad knew how to work. After doing some cleaning, Bradley had stumbled across a few things she kept in her mother's memory. Bradley was reluctant to dive back into the thought of Sanada, but once she reflected back to how happy she use to get as a child, watching her mother in action, hearing her voice, Bradley immediately put that reluctance to rest. She wanted to watch ever tape from start to finish.

Hearing her mother's smooth voice was always something she enjoyed. She wished that Sanada was still around so she could hear her voice tell her congratulations on the engagement and on the pregnancy of the twins.

Bradley had spent an hour of the morning crying. Her childhood weighed heavy in her mind. She always wondered how differently things would have gone if her mother was around. Maybe it wouldn't be so hard to love, so hard to trust, so hard to live freely. Sanada was so much things Bradley wasn't. She was fearless, carefree, she didn't have a worrisome bone in her body. Everything that came out of her mouth followed with a light giggle or laugh showcasing how much of a light spirited person she was.

"C'mon Brad, get your ass off my entertainment center," Rashad scolded as he rushed to her side watching her struggle slightly to keep her balance.

Bradley stepped down the shelves of the entertainment center that decorated the front room with cords and wires dangling from her hand. "Why would you scare me like that? I could have fallen," Bradley folded her arms against her chest, tangling a few cords together in the process.

Rashad places his hands on her waist, apologizing. "You shouldn't have been up there anyway. You're pregnant Brad," He reminded her before he cupped his hands on the sides of her belly.

"I know, but I wanted to get this to work," She shoved the VHS player out to him.

Rashad shifted his eyes down to the thick and bulky piece of digital equipment. It was outdated and coated in a thin layer of dust. "This shit dusty as hell," Rashad screwed his face up, setting the VHS player on the ground instead of holding it in his hands.

"Oh man the fuck up," Bradley pushed him so she could grab the VHS player from the ground.

Rashad chuckled before grabbing it up so she wouldn't have to bend down. "You really kept this?" He examined the cassette player from all angles.

Bradley nodded. "Yeah. That's the only way I can watch my mommy's old pageants, video diaries and stuff," She shrugged her shoulders while pointing to the small box that had two rows of tapes inside of it.

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