40| Going Through The Motions

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Bradley laid in bed. She felt stagnant and stuck in the same spot. Cinney was now gone because no extra efforts were put towards her situation. Bradley slightly felt like she was the blame. She wished she had the same drive and persistence as Georgia. Georgia never gave up on Cinney, while everyone else began turning their back on Cinney because she reacted so defensively.

Bradley heard Rashad's engine as he pulled into the driveway. His headlights beamed into the home slightly. The sun had discarded the sky, causing Bradley to not even realize how long she had been in bed with her tears. Bradley heard the locks interchange before it was locked seconds later.

Rashad's footsteps progressed towards the bedroom. Usually, Bradley would be up and about, it was only 9 PM. This was the time she would find most convenient to catch up on TV shows she missed throughout the week.

Entering the bedroom Rashad noticed that it was dark, and unlike any other time, the television wasn't on. Rashad was sure that Bradley was awake since he didn't hear her light snores.

Rashad turned on the light observing what was wrong with Bradley. Both of their phones laid beside her in his side of the bed, closest to the door. "I'm not mad at you," Bradley croaked out. She sensed a feeling of reluctancy from Rashad. Bradley was in dire need of comfort, her concerns about Kenza and Rashad were put on a halt.

Rashad let out a sigh before taking a seat onto the bed. "I'm sorry," He apologized. "How I behaved today was a little misleading and I could understand where you feel disrespected. I'm sure if you did that to me, I wouldn't be so calm about it," Being away from Bradley for a few hours helped Rashad understand where Bradley was coming from. He analyzed it from her point of view and could see why she was so weary about it.

Bradley rotated around so she could be laying on her left side to face Rashad. He could see her face fully, stained with tears and her eyes were tinted red. "I made you cry?"

Bradley shook her head no. At first, Rashad really was the cause of her tears, but once Posh broke the news, she found herself sobbing over Cinney. "What happened?" It had completely went over Rashad's head that he had to break it to Bradley that Cinney had passed. Mentally, he had built a blockade so he could only focus on the dilemma at hand, whether or not he was still in love with Kenza. He still hadn't came to terms with the issue, but he felt like he had to get over it quickly so Bradley wouldn't feel a type of way.

"Cinney," Upon hearing Bradley say Cinney's name, it clicked to Rashad. Someone had gotten around to telling her before he did. "She, dead," Bradley cried. Her cry was mild, nothing too excessive since she had been crying for the entire evening. Her body was beginning to grow weak from all the energy she put out into mourning Cinney.

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