44| Until Then

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The day Bradley had been dreading, had finally came about. Rashad was on his way to his charted jet to Lithuania with Alex. Bradley tried her best to think positive, but sadness always manage to strike once she thought about sleeping alone, not waking up to him making breakfast some mornings, no sounds of ESPN, and most of all—no longer getting good morning kisses for an entire two weeks. Bradley had no idea how she motivated herself a few weeks ago that she could let him go, because she was in need of that same motivation.

She was an emotional wreck, trudging through sadness whenever her mind settled on Rashad. For the last days he had in the states, Rashad spent all of his time with Bradley. He turned off his phone and she did the same, enjoying each other's company before they had to be away from each other. Rashad affirmed to her that things would be okay. He'll call often, text when he could, and make sure that he was as present as the distance between New Orleans and Lithuania allowed him to be. He also disclaimed that there may be days where she wouldn't hear from him often and he wanted to prepare her for that.

Bradley felt like she was ready, but deep down inside, she knew she wasn't.

"Baby," Rashad's light voice fluttered into her ears. The moon had grown comfortable in the night sky which would usually call for Bradley to be asleep, but tonight she was wide awake. Rashad was under the impression that she was long gone in her slumber, but she had been up since his late at night alarm went off to wake him so he could get ready to head to the ramp where he would be boarding the jet alongside Alex. She heard him shuffle around the room gathering a few things before he finally attempted to wake her up.

Bradley flipped over so she could be laying on her other side and face him. "It's time for me to go, I'm about to get an Uber now," He told her.

Bradley immediately sat up. She didn't want him leaving her quite yet so she got out of bed. "Let me drive you to the ramp," She volunteered.

Rashad scratches the back of his neck in an uneasy manner. This was already sad enough, he didn't want her driving at this time of night. Bradley was an excessive crier, especially as of lately, so he didn't need an mishaps happening while she was on the road back. "Bradley you sure?" He arches his brow up.

Bradley nodded her head as she waded towards the closet to grab a hoodie to fight the night's wind. "Yeah babe, I want to," She assured.

Rashad sighed. "Alright, we gotta leave now though, the ramp is thirty minutes away from here," He told her as he hiked the handle of his suitcase up and carried his duffle bag on his shoulder.

Once Bradley was into one of his hoodies that he left behind, she followed him out the bedroom with her phone in her hand. Behind him, she went down the stairs, longing for him to stay but she went against her wants.

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