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A day at Allure was never a slow one. Usiah and the ladies had finished off all of their appointments and were now giving their undivided attention to walk ins. Bradley wanted to take a break but she was in the middle of some faux locks so she wouldn't be finished any time soon.

"So how was it meeting the family?" Georgia asked as she wiped her client's face off after a facial.

Bradley let out an appeased smile before sighing. "It was great. They were just so nice and inviting," Bradley had the greatest time a the Farewood household. She was sure she left a great impression and even added a few of them to her clientele list. Kimora was due to come in for a wash in trim tomorrow before her and Jerome were set to go back to Cleveland. Iris had booked earlier today with Bradley and got a fresh set of Havana twist.

"Well bitch that's a fucking first, none of my boyfriend's families liked me," Posh muttered.

The shop laughed. "With a mouth like yours I'm sure they wouldn't," Usiah joked.

"Seriously guys, they are the nicest people and their family bond is so tight. I never really had that with my family so it was nice to finally catch a feel, y'know," Bradley felt so at ease and comfortable with Rashad's family. Everything was going swell until Rayven came to make a fool out of herself. Bradley opted out on discussing that with Usiah and the girls. That was more so Rashad's story to tell instead of her's.

"I hope you know he was just seeking their approval to get your ass pregnant. Keep a condom on sis," Astel stated causing everyone to fall out into fits of laughter.

Bradley eyed them all with a stale face. They all knew Bradley was anti-kids until she was thirty. With her career and her growing business, she couldn't deal with sitting out for nine months and some change. It would just be too much.  "Was that how Josiah got you?" Bradley stuck her tongue out at Astel as she made reference to Astel's- son's -father

Astel laughed. "It actually was, I'm not even gonna lie,"

"Please you guys don't jinx me with little Rashad's and little Bradley's. I don't need any broke best friends," Bradley pushed away all thoughts of having kids. With what happened a day ago with Rayven, Bradley was sure that Rashad wouldn't be wanting any kids for a while. They were on the same page with that.

Posh pouted. She always wanted to be that auntie, however Bradley, Georgia, and Usiah was taking forever while she was in her prime. Georgia hippie ass was still a virgin, Usiah's adoption process was going to be taking longer than he thought, and Bradley was just being Bradley. "They would be so stinking cute though," She closed her eyes as she thought of a perfect mix of Rashad and Bradley.

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