51| Rashad Knows Best

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"Mimi I'm fine, everything is fine," Bradley assured her grandmother over the phone. Mimi was worried sick after Rashad had disclosed that he and Bradley were coming home from the hospital. Mimi was worried sick, she thought that Bradley had unfortunately went into labor early. She was so relieved to hear that her great grand kids were still baking and weren't born early.

"Okay Farrah. Call me later today," Mimi sighed.

Bradley nodded her head. "Got it Mimi," They said their goodbyes to each other before the call ended. Bradley let out a sigh of her own. She was currently sitting on Rashad's lap while he gave her a nice back massage. She was having a few mild lower back pins and nothing would suppress them aside from Rashad's massages. Although he was clear to take light over the counter medication, Bradley rather not.

"Thank you babe," Bradley thanked him while looking over her shoulder at him.

Rashad kept his eyes on Sports Center while nodding his head. "It's cool baby," He has been splitting his attention between the television and Bradley since it was around the time of the draft. It was confirmed that Alex had a great possibility of being drafted.

Bradley tried hard to focus on the television just as he was, but it was difficult since they were using sport terminology she wasn't familiar with and mentioning people she had no clue existed. She only seemed to listen intently when they mentioned Alex and his stats  which they so happened compared to Jerome's. The two were neck in neck with stats, Jerome slightly still having the upper hand since he had been playing longer.

Rashad scoffed and turned the television off after the sport casters finished up with comparing the two brothers. After one person said that Alex wasn't NBA ready, Rashad had heard enough. "Why you so grumpy?" Bradley looked over her shoulder at him once more.

Rashad waved it off. "I'm not grumpy. Stressed out, but not grumpy," He kissed her bare shoulder.

Bradley took ahold of his wrist halting the circular motions he was making with his tender hands at the small of her back. She got off his lap and took a seat next to him. "Stressed out? About what?"

Rashad ran a hand down his face. Since what happened with Rayven, Rashad truthfully haven't been acting the same. He's been more overprotective and hasn't let Bradley out of his sight. Bradley thought it was okay since she had just gone through something traumatic with his ex, but she could tell it was affecting him mentally. "This whole Rayven shit," Rashad responded with an evident tone of annoyance leaking through his words.

Yesterday, Rayven's mugshot surfaced the blogs and so did a few videos bystanders made of the incident. Many people was sending positive and uplifting energy to Bradley but in the same token, they were telling her to leave him where she found him. Usually, Rashad wouldn't take social media all that serious. It was just a platform he used on occasion for the sake of his career. However after spending a few hours scrolling through endless comments of people bashing him, it was getting to his head simply because he felt like such, far before things began surfacing the blogs. Rashad felt like he was the blame for all of this. He should have taken proper measures to make sure Rayven never had the opportunity of even getting that close to his pregnant fiancée.

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