74| Bradley's Intuition

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excuse all errors, love you guys, ok—byeee. 🤎



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Bradley used her key to enter the home, immediately kicking off her Chanel sneakers upon entrance. The day happened to be way too long and with back to back clients, Bradley didn't think she had it in her to try to style that many clients again. It had been a while since she had a hectic day as such, but Allure seemed to be having clients coming from all over. The stylist were complete swamped with the amount of people who were booking with them.

Everyone seemed to have gain an influx of clientele and even though business was looking good, their feet felt awful from standing up all day, all week. "I blame Rome," Bradley grumbled out, referring to why her feet were in so much pain. Rome managed to post a cute little video on all of the Allure social media platforms showcasing all of stylists work. The video gained an insane amount of traction and landed them with packed schedules for however long.

She cautiously teetered side to side on her feet as she furthered into the home. Bradley was in desperate need to put her feet up so she plopped right down on the couch. As she rested her head back, she let out a relieved sigh now that she finally got the chance to grab a seat and just relax.

"I knew I heard you come in," Rashad's voice sounded through Bradley's ears as he appeared in the front room.

A light smile graced Bradley's face as her eyes met with Rashad. "Yeah, I just got in,"

"Long day?" He asked as he took a seat on the couch, resting her feet on his lap.

Bradley groaned lightly as she ran her hand down her bare face. "That can't even describe the day I had," She curled her bottom lip out into a pout. "If I have to install one more wig or sew in one more track, my hands are going to fall off," Bradley complained.

Rashad chuckled as he began massaging her feet in his lap. "It's peak season for you. You use to love peak season," He reminded her.

"That was when I was young, didn't have two children and was ten pounds lighter," Bradley scoffed as if those times were just so long ago.

Rashad smacked his lips. "That was two years ago,"

"Exactly!" She dramatically lifted her hands in the air as if she had made her point.

Rashad couldn't help but to laugh. Two years ago, Rashad used to love peak season for Bradley. It really forced her to sit down and actually relax during her off time. On the weekends they would fill the days up with random dates or just simply spending time together lounging around. They rarely had those times anymore being that they were parents to two busy body toddlers and their careers were non stop. "You just need a little time off to recoup," Rashad suggested with a light shrug.

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