56| The New Beginning

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"I love you," Rashad cranes down, pecking Bradley's lips as she laid in the bed. She had finally changed into a much more comfortable gown once they arrived to the birthing center. Things were progressing as they should and quickly their excitement transitioned into nervousness. Rashad could feel Bradley's nerves from across the room.

Bradley smiled lightly. "I love you too,"

"I know this isn't how you imagine all of this would go, especially since my mom and Mimi aren't here, but we got this, alright?" He applied a kiss onto her forehead for reassurance.

Bradley nodded her head. She had to admit that not having Paige and Mimi present was a little nerve wracking but she rather them not to be present than Rashad. She knew Rashad would be able to support her though this entire process.

Right now, the couple was just playing the waiting game with the twins. Once they arrive to the birthing center, their midwife Monsé informed them that Bradley was only two and a half centimeters dilated. She had a longer way to go still. Although they were anxious, they knew it would be better to be as patient as possible.

There was a light knock the door before Bradley and Rashad were able to see Posh popped her head into the room. "Look at my good sis," Posh stuck her tongue out entering the room with Georgia and Usiah in tow right behind her.

Bradley couldn't contain the smile on her face. "Hey you guys, what are y'all doing here?" She could always count on her best friends to lighten the mood.

"Tuh, you really though we would let you give birth without us?" Usiah scoffed as he gave Bradley a hug.

Bradley's bottom lip curled into a pout. "Awe. You guys are the best," Although she knew she wasn't alone with Rashad here with her, the more the merrier. She wanted Blake and Jace to enter the world in an atmosphere overwhelmed with love.

"It's nothing Brad-Bae, we're here to alleviate some of the nerves from both of you guys. I brought some sage, some home made chamomile tea bags, and some aromatherapy candles," Georgia beamed in excitement while holding up the bag. "And of course Uncle Shad, we brought you some food,"

It's been a few hours since Rashad hadn't eaten so he was thrilled and appreciative for the food. "Y'all ain't too bad after all," Rashad teased as he rubbed his two hands together anxious for whatever food they brought him.

Posh handed him the bag of food in which he thanked her for immensely. As Georgia began setting up to make the atmosphere of the room the most calmest and zenned out room they have ever been in, everyone else got comfortable in conversation which they were able to keep Bradley's mind off of the all the things that may go wrong during birth.

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