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"Just unlock the phone!" Posh pressured Bradley as she slid the device over to her.

Posh had some how, some way convinced Bradley into having some drinks at her place. Posh was over there all of the time so it wasn't an issue, until she realized the only reason she truly came was to have Bradley open Rashad's phone.

Bradley shook her head no. "I'm sure that man does not want me to go through his phone for real,"

Posh contorted her face into a scrunched up expression. "Brad the whole point of you having the phone is to put your number in it,"

"If he wanted my number why didn't he just ask?" Bradley countered.

Posh shrugged as she downed the last of her wine. "Who knows,"

"If I do open it, what if I find something I didn't want to see?" Bradley couldn't lie like she wasn't teeter tottering between the decision of opening the phone. Her curiosity almost got the best of her, but after being pressured by Posh she quickly stood her ground.

Posh sighed. "Then you give him back his shit and never speak to him again. It ain't rocket science boo,"

Caving, Bradley grabbed the phone off the counter and swiftly typed in the password that she already had embedded in her mind. The phone opened up and left her with endless things to search for. "Hit that iMessage button girl, I'm sure there's tea in there," Posh looked over Bradley's shoulder.

She did as Posh directed her to do and was faced with a list of Rashad's message threads. "Alright the point of this is to snoop but not make it look like you did, so only look at open messages," Bradley scrolled through the plethora of messages trying to search for messages that Rashad had already viewed. Stopping her scroll, Bradley read the contact.

"Izzy," She said out loud.

"Sounds like a bitch to me," Posh scoffed.

Bradley tapped on the message thread, opening it up.

— Just let me borrow $2,000 and I'll give it back to you. Think of it as an investment.

— Boy you tripping. You ain't leaching me for no $2,000. You want it, work for it. Meet me out on West tonight if you trying to get it.

— Heard you.

Bradley and Posh both turned to face each other before shrugging. "Well if Izzy felt comfortable asking him for 2 G's then Uncle Shad must got money," Posh stuck her tongue out and did a little dance.

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