13| Damage Control

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As sore and pained Bradley and the girls bodies were, they still managed to drag themselves to Allure. The fatigue was all over their faces . Bradley felt guilty since she was the one who invited them out.

Bradley had slept for about two hours, sitting up in her booth, Posh had done the same. They didn't have any appointments scheduled for that time so they took advantage of it.

"These bitches are chopped," Usiah cackled in complete delight as he watched both Posh and Bradley stretch out their limbs from the uncomfortable nap.

Posh shook her head. "Man, I haven't felt like this since folding bitches, back in high school," Being twenty-five came with a lot, one being  that the ladies didn't fight anymore. Last night was a wild one. The ladies were all dealing with the aftermath of the brawl. Posh was starting to regret throwing that first punch, because now she had to deal with bruises from the night. However, whenever she thought about the way Rayven tried to son her, she quickly let that regret diminish.

"That damn Posh. I'm glad I didn't go, I would have hit her with a bottle," Alta scoffed. All the ladies laughed. Alta was a wild one. It would have been another issue if her Latina ass was out last night, they would have still been fighting.

"That's what I should of did instead of socking her. Look at my little hand," Posh pouted as she examined her fist which was cut up and bruised.

Bradley shook head. "Yeah, you used your little hand to sock my man too," Once Rashad got to his place and he cleaned Bradley up, they realized that he had gotten hit in the face. The bruise was small and Bradley was sure that she hadn't hit him. They concluded it to be one person, Posh.

Posh's winced a bit. "Oop, my bad. But Uncle Shad knew better than to snatch my ass up after I socked her. It's cause of him she got that weak ass hit on me,"

Bradley laughed. Rashad was a little worked up about the bruise on his face. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he was a pretty boy and was distraught to see his face was damaged. Bradley teased him enough about it to have him give her the silent treatment. "Just remind me to never go out with you guys again. It's always something," Georgia budded in as she made the walk back to her booth from the inventory room.

All the girls were pretty shocked to find out that even Georgia was fighting. She was the peace within the salon so no one was expecting her to throw some hands. They honestly thought Georgia would be the one to tell the ladies to talk it all out.

"The videos are literally everywhere," Cinney shook her head. All of the ladies social media profiles were blowing up once people started to connect names to faces. Bradley was embarrassed. She never thought she would get recognition from fighting in some club while her boyfriend's, professional basketball player brother was there.

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