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Putting the last finishing curls to her hair, Bradley looked herself over, sufficed with the look. She wasn't trying to do too much with her attire since she wasn't really sure how the night would end up.

A smile outgrew Bradley's face as she felt Rashad snake his arms around her waist. "I really appreciate my gifts," He told her before kissing her cheek.

"You're welcome," Bradley says with a smile. Although it was far earlier than it needed to be, Bradley decided to beat Rashad to the punch and get his wedding band. Just to tease him, she simply gifted him with the order confirmation receipt instead of the ring in which she spent a hefty penny on. She planned on showing him the ring she got him closer to their wedding. Along with the ring, Bradley got him court side seats to the upcoming basketball game with the help of Jerome of course. Rashad hadn't been to a game in while so he was excited to attend one with Bradley at his side.

Rashad turned Bradley around so she could be facing him. She rolled her eyes jokingly as Rashad eyed her up and down with lust captivating his orbs. "Let's get out of here before you get any ideas," She suggested, brushing her hand against his chest teasingly before leading the way out.

Before leaving their home, Bradley and Rashad both checked in on the twins who were having a joyous time with their grandmother. It put them to ease before going to enjoy their night out.

"Are you gonna behave tonight, like seriously?" Bradley side eyed him as she reclined her seat back so she could relax in the passenger seat.

Rashad chuckled. "I'm good. Not trying to ruin my birthday," He assures her. Rashad wasn't really worried about either of Bradley's friends that she's attained from Israel. As long as the respect was there then everything should go smoothly.

It didn't take long for Rashad to pull into the club. It was a hassle to find parking but once he did, he pulled into the parking space and turned the car off. Rashad went around the vehicle, assisting Bradley out.

To make the process of them getting inside much more smoother and quicker, Alex and Jerome met them at the front, admitting them in without the stand in the long line. "So I got paid to be here, so please be on y'all best behavior," Jerome advised his siblings and Bradley as they entered the club.

They all agreed as they immediately got engulfed into the loud music and the moving bodies of the club. It had been a while since Bradley had been in this type of atmosphere so it was taking some getting use to. It annoyed the crap out of her that she was bumping shoulders with a few people but once they got to their section, there was a bit more space.

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