8| Little Situation

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Bradley, Usiah, Posh and Georgia sat side by side  in Bradley's living room. Rashad looked down at the four with his nose flared and jaws clenched. He was angry as hell.

Rashad didn't know what to be more upset about, the fact Bradley lied or the fact that she went against his word? 

"So good news is we're all okay. That's all that really matters y'know—our safety," Georgia spoke up breaking the silence that spiraled around the tension filled room.

Usiah and Posh dramatically nodded their heads and agreed. "Yup, Georgia talk your shit," Posh clapped.

"Y'all take this shit as some joke man, that's crazy," Rashad shook his head. He couldn't believe they were all taking the fact that they were in harms way so lightly. Although he knew the extent of the situation, he still didn't want anything to go wrong.

"Sir," Usiah cleared his throat and raised his hand in a timid manner. "We promise you we don't. We were real life scared and real life relieved to be alive," Usiah assured him.

Bradley had yet to say a word. She just sat there toying with her hands. She really had nothing to say. She was caught. There was no reason to try to explain herself. "Bradley what did I tell you?"

Bradley looked up at him. She released her bottom lip from in between her teeth. "No to go out,"

"And you not only went out, but you lied to me like I wouldn't eventually find out," Rashad stated.

"In my girl's defense, she ain't even know you were gonna find out," Posh spoke up.

Rashad gave her a glare causing her to retract her stance in the conversation. "That ain't the point right now," Rashad shook his head.

"No," Bradley looked from Posh to him. "That's exactly the point. What the hell were you doing at Upside?" Bradley flipped the script on Rashad.

Rashad ran a hand down his face. "I was working Brad," Rashad replied.

Bradley, Usiah, Posh, and Georgia simultaneously let out a scoff. "Working? The hell you do at club Upside?" Bradley raised a brow.

Rashad realized that he had just screwed himself over completely. He really didn't know what to say to Bradley. The truth was always an option but could she handle it? Would she let what he did as a living shake their situation?

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