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Rashad turned the key in the ignition turning his engine off. After his brother's phone call, he found himself parked at Jerome's and Kimora's hotel room. They were set to leave to go back to Cleveland tomorrow, so they should of been packing for early morning check out.

Getting out of his truck, his black Yezzy's  made contact with the pavement. Light showers had passed over New Orleans so the air was damp along with the ground. Rashad pulled his hoodie over his head before trekking over to the entrance of the hotel. He skipped out on speaking to the front desk and just made his way over to the elevators.

The hotel was lively and chic. It had a nice and elegant appeal to it. The decor was mostly glass and all over the hotel had nice floral arrangements within it. Upon entering the elevator, Rashad clicked the button for the penthouse suites. Rashad knew the elevator ride would be a lengthy one since the suites were all the way on the top floor.

His journey up had finally concluded and the elevator doors glided upon. Rashad trekked down the lengthy hall before halting at Suite- 21.

He applied a light knock at the door and stood right in the view of the peep hole. After a few moments, the door slowly opened up allowing him to be faced with Jerome.

Rashad entered and shut the door behind him. He was in complete shock at the state the suite was in. Things were slung all over the place, the cushions of the couches were slashed, on the floor were pillows and clothes sprawled amongst it. "What the fuck happened in here?" Rashad questioned in a low voice. He took a turn around to get a full view of the front room of the suite

"We got into it. I need you to help us outta here," Jerome spilled out. Rashad hadn't noticed that he had been clutching onto his side the entire time. He was in pain, too much pain to even wince.

Rashad sighed as he faced his brother. "What's so hard about packing up and leaving?"

Jerome clenched his jaw before he slowly lifted his black tee. Turning to the side, he showcased the slash wound that was still dripping in blood. The puncture was deep enough to show his pink meat on the inside underneath his thick skin.

"Kimora did that?" Rashad asked as his eyes dilated in disbelief. He's seen much more gruesome scenes— he was mainly the cause of them. This was something that never happened between Kimora and Jerome. Their scats were verbal, they never got physical.

Jerome slowly nodded his head before he eyed the wound. "Where is she?"

Through gritted teeth and extreme pain, Jerome replies. "She locked herself in the bathroom. I just need to get this closed up,"

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