Chapter 26 (Lemon)

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This chapter will contain smut/lemon/18+ content. If you don't feel comfortable with any of the listed things, please step out of this chapter (next chapter will have a recapitulation of the important parts).

This chapter will contain: sex; strong language; BDSM; may be bad... dunno how to write it lol.

Enjoy your pervy chapter!


~ 3rd Person POV ~

You could have sworn to the heavens your heart was just going to walk away from your chest, and leave your burning body behind in Kakashi's (more then capable) hands.

His face... Gods his face. Even as a narrator I can tell you that it was sculped and envied by the gods.

You noticed it too. Under him, panting even though he didn't lay a single finger on you, squirming around trying, and failing, to conceal the smell of your own body preparing for the inevitable.

Even though burning and praying, you couldn't help but be in awe for your dear Sensei's face. His perfect white teeth, his small beauty mark under his tender lips, the soft smirk he opened while paying close attention to your reaction, his scar...

It was now obvious why he hid his face behind a mask. Combined with his charming characteristics, anyone would immediately open their legs for Kakashi Hatake, just like you were gladly doing now.

You hands were faster then your brain could process and, when you realized, your fingers were tracing his face. Passing through the lips you dreamed of kissing, the beauty mark that just finished the complete look and the scar that, somehow, carried pain, sorrow and beauty.

"(Y-Y/n)" Kakashi muttered, bringing you back to reality "I-If you do t-this, love, I-I won't be a-able to hold b-back any l-longer"

You immediately removed your hands off his red face, thinking that you somehow touched him in a different way, like the virgin you were.

But only when he groaned a "(N/n)", making you vibrate to his sound, that you noticed where your knee was.

Once you realized that, unconsciously, you got your knee up and was now rubbing it against Kakashi's, massive, dick, your heart stopped. But your knee didn't. And you were fully aware of that.

"What's wrong, Sensei?" you asked as innocently "Am I making you uncomfortable, somehow?" you pressed and moved your knee a bit more, making Kakashi moan and groan.

"Y-You s-sneaky little..." he groaned "Did no one ever tell you not to tease a hungry beast?"

You snickered having fun torturing him.

"You won't be laugh for much longer, princess" he groaned, close to your ear "Not when you'll be begging me for more..."

You closed your legs once more, rubbing against Kakashi once again. You could sense his control slowly fading away, his heat growing with each breath both of you took.

But even so, he didn't dare to touch you. Not when you still hadn't given him your consent. Not until you showed yourself completely comfortable with the whole idea. And that made your heart tighten with love and appreciation.

"Kakashi" you said, making him look at you. His eyes were filled with desire and suddenly your mind went blank.

You knew what you wanted to say, you knew what you had to say. But seeing Kakashi there, simply devoted to you, patiently ignoring his own desire to make you as comfortable as you could, made you forget every single thing but his face.

My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now