Chapter 57

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~ Your POV ~

Kurama and I were in a comfortable silence for a while, me just scratching behind his ears while he slept soundly, when I decided it was time to leave.

I had no idea how much time had passed, but I knew for sure that if I continued to be in my subconscious, Sai would get worried and  with that things would escalate quickly. And I didn't want to have Danzou up my ass so early in the game.

Of course, Kurama understood in a heartbeat what I meant and quickly got up and transformed back into his original size. He was going back to Naruto's mind-prision when he turned to me and said:

"If you get tired of pretending, let me know. I'll gladly help you to burn this whole village to the ground..." he smiled.

"IF I decide to do such thing, I'll be the first person to know Kurama" I laughed and he joined in.

"But I am serious, little one" he continued, his laugh dying with the echo of my subconscious "You shouldn't allow yourself to endure something like this, to pretend to be something, someone, you're not just for the sake of others. It's okay to burn the world for someone you love, but at the exact moment you start burning because of it, it's time to change your aim and burn something else..." he said "Be careful with who you entrust your heart, your body and your mind. Sometimes I thing your too naive for this world, but sometimes I believe you are the most intelligent person in this village... but we both must not forget that you are only, almost, 16. You shouldn't be lifting the weight of the world with your bare shoulders, little one..." he smiled and left me to the comfort of the cristal flowers and lilac waters.

I allowed his words to sink in deep within me. That demon fox knew all too many things. That was dangerous.

But he was right, of course. I don't know when I allowed myself to become so submissive and... weak. So self-conscious about everything around me that it made me worry about things that didn't even concern me.

Or perhaps it was just another side effect of Danzou's Jutsu. Making me worry about the whole village and always try to become better for them.

Or even worse, this is just Danzou himself, no Jutsu involved. The probability of his own harsh ways of doing things and his need for more and more and more just made me... exhausted.

Like he would be draining my energy every single day, demanding more, and bigger, and better results, and greater performances, and all to the extreme until I was empty. A shell of power, soulless and purposeless, made only for him to use and discard whenever he saw the need. His personal puppet.

Bile rose in my stomach until it reached my throat, begging to leave with the repulsion of the thought. I felt like Kankuro's puppets.

I shook my head, silently begging the thought to go away. The action brought back the headache I was feeling, so I forced myself to close my eyes and just listen to the sound of the water.

I took in deep breaths, trying to focus on the start of my thoughts: Kurama's words.

I thought again a little more calmly, enjoying the phantom breeze and the calming sound of water from my subconscious. Pastel colors shimmered behind my eyelids, and although it incited my headache a little, it helped me relax a little more.

Kurama's words didn't leave my side though. Should I really be so compliant about faking who I am? Should I really see no problem in bowing my head and pretending to be a good little helpless girl again?

The answer came easier than I thought it would: no.

I shouldn't and I wouldn't become so helpless again. Not even for my parents. Much less to the person who stole my memories and posed as the hero of my life.

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