Chapter 1

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It was raining like always, but that night it was a strange storm. You were supposed to be in bed already, but you just couldn't sleep. Your parents were down stairs, arguing over something you just didn't understand at the time.

You were about to get up and try and talk to them, but a lighting stroke at exact same time. A glass shattered and hurried steps echoed on the stairs. In a second, your mom was in your room, being followed by your dad. They were trembeling, and they locked my door as they went through.

"Shh, is okay my love!" , your mother attempted to calm you, but she was crying.

She was so beautiful, with her short red hair and astonishing blue eyes. She held your little body, kissing your hair and your cheeks. It wasn't very common for your mom to be scared, let alone terrified!

You look at your father, his calming purple eyes pierced through your soul. Even though he was concerned, he still smiled as he joined you both. He hugged you and your mother, his black hair a clear contrast with your mom's red and your (h/c).

"Get under the bed, honey!" , your father said quietly, as thr door knob started shaking.

You didn't want to go, you wanted to stay with your parents. But the fear took over your body, making you hide.

The next events happend so fast and in a blurry way. The last thing you saw was your parentes holding hands, bleeding and crying, before saying "We love you... (y/n)", under their last breath.


"(Y/N)!" Naruto shouted again, finally waking you up.

You sat on your bed, in the room you both shared. You yawned, looking at your little brother's blue eyes. "Morning, Foxie..."  you said getting up. He never really understood why you called him 'Foxie', but he never really complained.

He gave you a wonderful smile before heading to the kitchen.

"You hungry?"  he asked.

"Yup!" you answered calmly, not forgetting to add "NO RAMEN"

You heard he babble something before putting a cup of noodles back in the kitchen drobe.

You smile for yourself, arriving at your bathroom to start your morning routine. Through the mirror, you were able to see how terrible you looked. That's what I get for staying up all night , you think to yoursel.

Looking back at your bed, scrolls and more scrolls of ninjutsu were opened. You passed the last night just studying for the test today at the academy. You ended your routine and putted on your mask. The only two people that know how you look without the mask were Naruto and Lord Third, and you intended to keep it that way.

"(Y/n) c'mon! I got milk and toasts!" said Naruto from the kitchen. You followed the voice, finding your little brother sitting at the table.

"Thank you, Otōto" (Otōto-Little Brother), you said while sitting down.

"Say, say! Why did you stay up all night?" he asked, gulping the milk.

"Well, I had to study the jutsus I wasn't very confident..." you said shyly.

"Nonsense! You are already good in everything!" he said smiling bright. And you really were! The top of you class, even above the Uchiha. You were able to learn Ninjutsus, Taijutsus and Genjutsus pretty quickly, not to mention that you had a fast mindo for strategies and etc.

"But Onēsan, why were you studying anyways?" (Onēsan-Big Sister), I looked at him shocked. Of course that wind head forgot...

You kept looking at him, watching as he slowly realises what he forgot. I giggle grabing his hands, not giving him a chance to panic before I drag him to the Academy.


~Your POV~

"Very well class! The last thing for todays test will be a simple Clone Jutsu!" Iruka-sensei started, taking his file on his hands "As I call your name, please step on the other room, where you will perform the Jutsu!"

Okay... a simple Clone Jutsu! I know that... I calmed myself, smirking a bit. But Naruto doesn't...

I glanced over to my little brother, but he was as calm as ever. Our eyes met, and I gave him an encouraging smile. He returned, not seeming bothered at all...

" (y/n) (l/n)!" Iruka-sensei called with his smile.

I smile back, following him to the other class. He sits down on a table full of forhead protectors. On of them will be mine, and other will be to Otōto!

I prepare myself, making the hand signs and performing the Jutsu with perfection. By my side, perfect copies of me standed, awaiting for orders.

"Impressive!" said Iruka-sensei. I forced a smile, but was really a bit shy. I undo the Jutsu and step to the front, where I received my foreheas protector. From now on, I am a Genin!

I left the bulding, being greeted by familys and more familys that were prasing the young Genins. I couldn't help but feel sad and lonley, remembering the nightmare from the night before. Now's not the time for this (y/n)! I said shaking my head and started to look for Naruto.

In the swing, looking down and disappointed, Naruto didn't have a forehead protector. Oh no... I ran towards him, but stopped as I listened to some woman talking.

"Is he the boy?" one asked

"Thank goodness he didn't pass..."

They proceeded to talk a lot of bullshit, and I decided it was best to run to him. But as I turned, he was gone.

I sighed, turning back home. I knew he would want to be alone for a while, and that he wouldn't be that happy when he was back, but that's why I had to do something to cheer him up.

At the back home, I stopped at the market, buying some ingredients for my suprise. I was trying to get something from a high shelf when I heard a deep voice saying "Do you need some help?".

I turned around to see a tall Jonin, in wich I've seen around the Village sometimes. He was pretty weird, but seemed nice.

"Yes please" I said smiling behind my mask "I am trying to take the noodles!"

He nodded and grabbed one for me, without even trying. He passed it for me.

"Thank you...?"

"Asuma" he ansewered. (gotcha)

Wait... the Asuma Sarutobi?

I decided it was best not to ask, mainly 'cause of the rumors that he was pretty grumpy. I thanked him again and went to the cashier. Maybe Asuma-sensei will be the Jonin that will take care of my group! I though, leaving the store. Not right now (y/n)! You gotta focus on Naruto!

I arrived home and, as expected, Naruto wasn't there. I started to prepare his favorite dish: Ramen. Of course it wasn't as good as Ichiraku's, but I knew it would lightend his mood. I finished preparing and look at the clock. 17:08, he should be home soon!

I jumped into the shower but when I left, Naruto was still not home. I sitted back in the kitchen and waited. When it was around 19:40, I left home, running towards the Hokage's building. I knocked on his door, and an old voice told me to come in.

As I do, I enconter a bunch of shinobis, in wich I indentify Iruka-sensei and Asuma-sensei.

"(Y/n)" the Hokage called "Why are you here?" his voice was sweet, but yet he seemed concerned.

"What did Naruto do now..." I said under my breath, while my heart skipped a beat.


Okay... this was the first part! Yay!

So... I reaaaally hope ya'll like this. Please comment if I did any mistakes and if I should do a part 2! Again, please don't judge me, it's my first Fanfiction! Have a good day/evening/night!

Love, Katoka-Chan!

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