Chapter 19

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~ Your POV ~

It's alright, it's okay. Nothing to be afraid of. It's just a casual meeting, right?

I kept trying to convince myself of this while my throat dried and my palms sweated behind the gloves.

Tenzo was behind me, along with other two ANBU, playing the bodyguard role. Koharu and Homura were with their gaze fixated on me, while Lord Danzou and the Hokage looked at them.

The only thing I knew about this meeting was that the subject was me. But apart from that, I was completly in the dark.

"So (Y/n), how has your training been going?" Koharu asked.

OOOh but they knew godamn well how it has been. But I couldn't just say that...

"Thank you for your worries Lady Koharu. They have been wonderful! I have only you guys to thank for this opportunity" I said, bowing respectfully.

They didn't say a thing in response.  Instead, they shared a long gaze full of judgement and... anger?

Oh nononono, I don't like this kind of look. Did I do something that disappointed them?

I looked up to Danzou and Hiruzen, trying to comprehend what was going on. But it seemed that they had no idea as well. Great... we are all clueless.

"Listen well (Y/n), because we will only speak once" said Homura, the serious tone intimidating me "You understand that, because it is the result of bringing together the largest families in the shinobi world, we expect great things from you. Right?"

I nodded, still afraid about the subject they were trying to address. Across the table, Danzou and Hiruzen also looked anxious.

"And I don't think it's necessary to mention that we expect a lot from your Kekkei Genkai and / or hidden skill" continued Koharu "But at the moment ..."

They took a deep breath and looked at each other again. The time they were taking was for me to recover and prepare myself.

Although I am an above average ninja and with this "great future", I was still a teenager. Worse, an insecure teenager.

"We know that your training has brought us pleasant results, but it hasn't helped us with the main problem yet!" complained Homura "The initial purpose of this intensive training was to unleash your Kekkei Genkai"

"But instead, he only managed to guarantee you an injury that we don't even know the severity of!" Koharu said incredulously.

I kept my head up and my legs steady, even though I wanted to dissolve right there and cry until it was over.

The looks of Tenzo, Danzou and Hiruzen fixed on me, conveying concern and pity.

"To be honest ..." Koharu continued "We are disappointed in you. We expected more from the child of the clan (L/n)"

My heart sank with every word of the elders. All my insecurities, my fears and my doubts, came back to haunt me. But even with the overwhelming urge to cry, or to bury myself in a hole and never see the light of day, I remained firm.

I was a shinobi. The most powerful and competent of my age. If I weren't able to stand still and chin up, firm and strong against hateful words, I wouldn't be able to do anything.

Yes, I was against the whole policy of "A Shinobi should never shed a tear", but only for others. Ninjas were still human and deserved to have their feelings treated the same way. But I do not.

I was the child of the strongest and most renowned khans. It was to be expected that my results were better and that I was better. I had to be perfect, and never shedding a tear was involved in being "perfect".

I kept my head up and my chest puffed up, silently thanking me for having a mask. I was biting my lip nervously in an attempt to keep from crying, which was helping so far.

"Given these facts ..." Homura said, standing up "We have two options to give you!"

My ears automatically paid attention to every little noise in the room, my breath was caught and I longed for "options".

"The first would be for us to give up on you," she said simply, as if she cared little for me from the start. "No more extra training, training at ANBU ... nothing more. You would be just another Genin, among so many others"

That option was already very bad. Sure, I would stay on Team 7, but what about my classes at ANBU? My other Senseis?

I realized that Tenzo was tense behind me, as well as the only old men who were on my side.

Even I was tense, but I didn't dare to contest until I heard the second option.

"The second option would be the complete opposite" said Homura "You would spend your full time learning with ANBU, with several teachers and benefits"

That option ... It looked good. Very good. Too good to be true ....

If I had learned anything during my life, it was that things were never entirely good. And if I knew the older couple well, nothing good would come of it.

Like me, Hiruzen and Danzou were suspicious of something else, exchanging looks of concern and caution. Throughout the meeting, they did not interrupt. They couldn't, however much they wanted to.

Tenzo also had a strange vibe. He did not trust, even for a moment, the words of the elders.

"If I may ask," I said, bowing in respect, "what would be the 'bad part' of that option?"

They looked at each other, I could taste them making me suffer. What did I do for them?

"You should give up being an ordinary ninja," said Koharu.

"If you want to become an exceptional ninja, and be treated as such, you must behave as such" completed Homura.

I was already shaking, fear filling my veins when the words of the eldest children began to be understood by me.

Lord Hokage and Lord Danzou understood too, and their eyes fell on me immediately with concern.

Tenzo also understood and his tension was clear to me. I tensed myself when I understood what they were implying.

"You must leave Team 7!" they said together.

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