Chapter 29

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~ 3rd Person POV ~

You guys had to wait another 15 minutes before Kakashi showed up, his nose on his book. For a fraction of moment, Kakashi and you shared a look, filling you both with energy and love. His look shifted to your right though, where a small Uchiha was staring daggers at him, while hugging you.

"Ehr..." he started.

"Save it Sensei!" Sakura started, going to your left side "We need to get inside the office..."

The concern on her voice was really clear, and the atmosphere got really heavy all of a sudden. You tried to shrug it off and smile.

"We don't want to leave Lord Third waiting, now do we?" you tried to force a happy voice.

They all knew you were forcing, but said nothing. Instead, Kakashi gave off a sigh and put his book in his pocket.

"She's right" he said a bit louder "Let's get inside" he passed through you, petting your head as he walked to the office's door.

Naruto took your side, holding your hands tight as you walked together. A few feet behind, Sakura and Sasuke were looking fixatedly at you, hope rising and falling in their hearts.

"Hey... uhm Onēsan" Naruto started, quietly.

You turned your head to see your beloved little brother looking at the ground. He wasn't smiling and that gave you the goosebumps.

"Yes? What is it Foxie?" you asked concerned. It was rare not seeing the little blond not wearing his signature smile.

"I just want you to know that, you will always be my big sister, even not by blood" he muttered, refusing to look into your eyes "And... when I am Hokage I'll make you your the guard who's always going to be by my side, dattebayo!" he said more excitedly, now turning to meet your eyes with a great smile.

Something inside of you became really soft, like your heart was melting. You hugged your brother tightly, standing before the Hokage's office. Just then you noticed the whole team stopped to let you guys talk.

"I'll be patiently waiting for it, Naruto!" you hugged him a bit more tightly, feeling his little body press against yours, before you let go.

You looked at your Team. Team7. Regardless of what the elders decided, you knew you were always going to be a part of Team 7. They were more then your friends now, they were your family. And you saw the same thing shinning in everyone's eyes.

So you gave a small nod to Kakashi, that returned it before knocking at the door.

"Excuse us, Lord Third. We came for the instructions about Y/n L/n" he said, his voice steady.

After a moment of silence, a quiet "Come in" was heard from inside the office.

Kakashi opened the door and went in first, followed by Sakura and Sasuke, and finally you and Naruto.

As soon as you walk in, you recognize the ANBU guards there. Why didn't I think about it sooner?

Just like your Genin Team was going to be present to know what you would do, you ANBU Team was there too. Plus, Tenzou was assigned to be your guard.

You looked around, giving a small nod to Akira and Akemi, who returned it swiftly. You met with the familiar mask of your guard and gave a closed eye smile, falling a bit behind everyone once you saw Tenzou coming towards you.

"We need to talk later Y/n" he whispered.

"Why is everyone wanting to talk to me today?!" you muttered out loud, before nodding and going back in line with the whole Team.

The interaction between you and Tenzou didn't go by Kakashi, mainly because he already knew his dear Kouhai {Kouhai - under classmate/ opposite from Senpai}

Once you all were paying attention to the Hokage, he started softly.

"I am pretty sure you all already know the reason why we are having this meeting, right?" he looked at you, adding a quick "At least the short version of it"

You gave a quick nod, even though he wasn't asking. Akemi stepped forward and, after a respectful bow to the Hokage, he started talking.

"Y/n L/n has been training with the ANBU Black Ops for the last month, along with other Sensei's from all of Konoha" he said with a steady voice "Lately her development hasn't been clear, therefore the elder couple from Konoha had given her two options: either she gave up on her additional training or she gave up on the Genin team. As the Hokage and Lord Danzou were not included into the decision, they postponed the final decision to today, where they would have the final and unified decision" he finished, bowing once again before stepping back.

Well... that's about it... you sighed, looking at your friends shocked faces. Kakashi was the only member who effectively knew about your extra training. That's why he wasn't thrown aback about the resume.

"And today is the day we finally give off our decision" the Third said, inhaling the smoke off his pipe "Though it seems a bit obvious what we chose"

Naruto's grip went directly to your clothes, something he used to do when he was little.

"It was a bit hard convincing that couple of stubborn, but we did what we could" he exhaled the smoke, before standing up and setting the pipe down "The Elderly Members of Konoha decided that Y/n should continue on Team7, receiving basic training along side other Genins, as well as having extra training with others"

The relief on the atmosphere almost made you fall on the ground. Hugs and sighs of relief were heard throughout the team. You could have sworn you heard Kakashi whisper a "Thank Kami" before looking at you and petting your head.

But things were being to good to be true. Koharu and Homura wouldn't let things go so smoothly. They would have the need to fuck something up for you.

"The next decisions we made are only to Y/n and Kakashi to hear. The rest of the team can wait outside" he included, receiving all kinds of eyes from your teammates.

"Oi, oi! Grandpa!" Naruto started, but you shut him up with a simple hand on his shoulder.

"If they want to, later they can tell you this. This is simply for a matter of organization" Hiruzen said, looking fiercely at Naruto.

"Hump" Naruto turned on his heels to the door, and left without a second thought, followed by Sakura and Sasuke.

Once they left, Hiruzen sat down again exhaling as he focused his gaze on you again.

"There is a condition to all of this though" There it is... "Homura suggested it, and we honestly don't think it is a bad idea"

You nodded again, paying close attention. The air was thick again.

"Soon, the Chunin exams are to come, and you will be obliged to take part in them" Not so bad! "Alone" Really bad.

Even Kakashi stopped for a second, a shocked look in his face. You could have sworn Tenzou took a step forward, but didn't say a single thing.

"At least that was his suggestion" Hiruzen said again, laying back in his chair "And we agreed, at least at the first part. But we understand it wouldn't be fair to you, so we came up with something else" he took a smoke and exhaled before continuing "Danzou will pick one of his students that has the same age as you to be your partner"

He stayed silent for a second, letting you absorve everything he just said. After a couple of seconds he asked.

"Do you comply with the terms?" he said, hope in his voice.

Taking in a long breath you gave a close eye smile, before saying.

"Yes sir! I am excited to your with you again!" 

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