Chapter 48

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~ Your POV ~

The sun could barely pass through the leaves of the tree. The whole forest was dark and damp and at every little twitch my senses would stay more alert.

Sai had abandoned that calm, neutral expression and was now like every other Anbu guard I have ever known: ready for anything.

The test had started almost an hour ago and yet not a single thing had happen to us. May it be from the creature creeping around the forest or the other desperate Genins, no one came to disturb our peace.

So we just continued forward, according to the plan. 

The fact that nothing had yet occurred to us may seem soothing, but was actually more anxiety inducing than I thought.

Initially, we thought going after the others would be the best idea, but after analyzing the map we figured we needed to move up to the center and get as near as possible to the Tower. We would have to come across a group of Genins sooner or later.

But the forest was anything but little. Over the last hour we had moved less than a sixth of the total area. If we were to continue at that pace, we would be walking until nightfall to get to the middle of the way.

But our pace was a necessary thing. If we started running the chances that we would miss something important was absurdly big. And if we were to move slower, looking for sources or other teams, we would never get to the tower in time.

I had the strange feeling that 90% of the other teams were going after the same thing, other than the main objective of this test: Team 7.

And as much as I wanted to meet with them and make sure everything would go smoothly, I couldn't give myself that type of luxury.

So instead of giving in to my protective big sister instincts, I continued to walk beside Sai, waiting for something to happen.

I stopped my thoughts at the sound of a branch braking. It was soft and almost imperceptible, but it was there. And it made me stop on my track.

Sai stopped just ahead of me, looking back with questioning eyes.

"There was a sound-" I started, but stopped once I heard a leaf crunching beneath someone's feet.

Sai heard it this time, but didn't seemed half as concerned as I was.

"It's an animal..." he explained, looking around "We have to keep moving, or else we'll stay behind on schedule."

"It isn't an animal" I say, looking around too "The sound might seem like one of an animal, but it isn't..."

Though I might seem crazy looking around at a forest saying that that small noise was anything but an animal. Mainly when there wasn't a single sign of anything being there with us.

"My Lady, we ain't got time to lose, we must keep go-" Sai was cut of when a kunai went flying, too close to his face.

I didn't have enough time to process when a body was thrown towards me and we both fell on the ground, the person above me making enough pressure for me not to get up.

"Well, well... Seems like the girl is pretty smart to notice us... Good job though, Yamaguchi-san!" a boy said from up a tree.

The girl above me, Yamaguchi as it seems, chuckled, but didn't dare remove her attention from me.

"My Lady!" Sai shouted, running towards me, only to be stopped by yet another kunai. This time with it's owner.

Three Genins, a team. Around 16 years old, their bandanas indicating they're Kusagakure's Genins. The boy from up the tree was obviously the leader, thought I wasn't capable of catching his features since the sun was right behind him.

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