Chapter 53

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~ 3rd Person POV ~

The gates were huge and you could feel little you's emotions mad inside her.

Unlikely how you were used to, Izumo and Kotetsu weren't guarding the gate. You followed Jiraiya inside the gates, watching as the shinobis on guard stopped themselves on their tracks and bowed in respect to him. One seemed to start questioning the little girl on the Sage's arm, but he got shut quickly by a simple glance on his way. Jiraiya was a big deal.

You noticed little red spots staining Jiraiya's shirt, causing you to look at your little hands. The splinters had shoved so far in that little droplets of blood had started drooping. But even so, she didn't stop gripping his clothes with all her might, and didn't even bother telling him she was hurt. She was too busy admiring and fearing the new village.

Jiraiya didn't seem bothered about the new stains on his shirt either. He seemed more worried about taking little you to somewhere safe and sound. He casually glanced up your face, just to make sure you weren't crying or on verge of throwing yourself out of his embrace and running for your life. He also wanted to make sure you weren't trembling entirely from fear.

"Jiraiya!" a female voice called to him, dragging your attention towards her.

Just like the first time you saw Jiraiya in your memories, her figure was blurry. You were able to see her long blond hair, massive (respectful) tits, caramel eyes and weird diamond shaped purple make-up on her forehead. But apart from the details, her figure was blurry.

The headache came back, worse this time. The stinging pain behind your eyes shot all over your body, making you double up from the sudden pain.

Resist it, Y/n. You are capable of doing so... Kurama intervened, probably when your mental body laying beside him started whimpering from pain.

You took in deep breaths, refusing to look away from the woman while listening to the rest of the conversation.

"Where the hell were you? We were..." her words died when her focus laid on you.

You also shifted you focus, the headache easing a bit when you diverted your eyes from her, but a nagging pain was still reminding you that the woman had been erased from your memories as well.

So, choosing to focus elsewhere, you focused on yourself. You noticed her little body trembling, but her resemblance was fierce and determined. She wouldn't back down, but that didn't mean she was scared as fuck.

Her hands were basically digging onto Jiraiya's flesh, but the shinobi didn't seem to care. Instead, he was more worried about little you. 

You watched as he adjusted her more comfortably into his arms and layed a hand on the small of her back, stroking calmly her spine. He was trying, and succeeding, on making her more at ease.

"Hey to you too... Tsunade" Jiraiya said and your head shot automatically to the woman again.

Just like the first time, the migraine vanished like it was never there to begin with and the blur on Tsunade's figure vanished like morning mist. She was so young and beautiful... you wanted to cry.

She wore a cristal chakra necklace and normal clothes, but just like Jiraiya she had her combat clothes underneath it. Her hair was tied in a high ponytail and her bandana was forbidding her bangs to fall to her eyes.

Your only living relative from the Senju. You had no idea what her place was in your family tree, but boy how good it felt to see her, even if it was just a memory.

"I was just by Konoha's entrance fetching this young girl" Jiraiya continued, walking towards her "And I intended to go to the old man right now..."

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