Chapter 3

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~~ Your POV ~~

"Okay, so it's time for you guys to introduce yourselfs" Kakashi-sensei started.

"What should we say, Sensei?" Sakura asked. Present who you are?

"Uh... well, tell me your name, the things you like and dislike, a dream and a hobby" 

"Why don't you go first, Sensei? That way we know how to do it!" Naruto said. Really, is not that hard....

"Me? Uh, well my name is Hatake Kakashi, the things I like and dislike... don't feel like telling you. I have a lot of hobbys and a dream... never really though of it!"

At the end, he just told us his name. I couldn't blame him though...

"Now you, the blond kid, start!"

Naruto started talking. Well, he really just babbled about ramen and at the end he told us he was going to be Hokage. I was glancing over to see Sensei's reaction, but got nothing. With that mask, plus a really controlled expression, it was almost impossible to know what he was thinking.

The turn passed to Sakura, who only giggled and blushed. She complained about Kakashi-sensei, but really just told us her name and that she hated Naruto. I felt bad for him. He didn't really like Sakura, but I knew he hated being... well hated.

After whatever that was, Sasuke started his introduction. Really he just sounded like an emo snob, hating everything and everyone. But what he summed up to be his 'dream' really concerned me. I shiver went down my spine, but I decided to ignore it.

"Okay... Well, last but not least, it's your turn" Kakashi-sensei said, pointing at me.

I didn't really like attention, and when Kakashi-sensei pointed at me I felt my heart race and my cheeks blush.

Calm the heck down (y/n)!

I took a deep breath and look up to the sky. The clouds helped me to calm down. "My name is (l/n) (y/n). I like to read and train, and have many dislikes... Uhm my hobby is to practice and about my dream..." I really didn't have one. I mean, I really wanted to know who I was, but that wasn't really a dream. "I don't think I have a dream!"

Sakura looked at me rather in shock. Naruto look kinda sad and Sasuke didin't really care. But it was the look in Kakashi's face that suprised me. His eye sparkd with some hidden emotion and I was able to see his smirk behind the mask.

He quickly turned around and hid his face. Was he blushing?

"W-Well, now that's sorted, our first mission will be tomorrow!"

"UH!UH! What kind of mission is it?" asked Naruto.

Sakura looked a bit strange, as if she didn't expect a mission at our first day. I was also intrigued, but didn't felt like asking.

"Uhm... You can say it is more like an exercise" Sensei said.

"Exercise?" Sakura asked.

Now both me and Sasuke were paying attention. A mission or an exercise?

"A survival exercise!" he replied, with an eyed smile "Meet me at train ground 7! Also... I recomend you all not to eat breakfeast"

"Recommend?" I asked "Why wouldn't we eat our breakfeats?"

"Unless you want to puke..." Kakashi said, in a misterious way, and then vanished.

Sasuke was the first to get up and walk away. Sakura went after him, trying to get a date. Naruto was about to follow them, but noticed I didn't got up.

My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now